라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


3변화 자음어간 변화 명사; 중성 자동번역 상위5000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: poēma, poēmatis

  1. 시, 노래
  2. 시, 운문
  1. poem
  2. poetry

격변화 정보

3변화 자음어간 변화
단수 복수
주격 poēma




속격 poēmatis


poēmatum, poēmatōrum


여격 poēmatī


poēmatibus, poēmatīs


대격 poēma




탈격 poēmate


poēmatibus, poēmatīs


호격 poēma





  • Isne tibi melius suadet, qui 'rem facias, rem, si possis, recte, si non, quocumque modo rem,'ut propius spectes lacrimosa poemata Pupi,an qui Fortunae te responsare subperbaeliberum et erectum praesens hortatur et aptat? (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, I 1:37)

    (호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 01 1:37)

  • nec tua laudabis studia aut aliena reprendes,nec, cum uenari uolet ille, poemata panges. (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, XVIII 18:19)

    (호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 18 18:19)

  • Si meliora dies, ut uina, poemata reddit,scire uelim chartis pretium quotus adroget annus. (EPISTVLARVM LIBER SECVNDVS, I 1:12)

    (호라티우스의 두번째 편지, 1 1:12)

  • Inter quae uerbum emicuit si forte decorum,si uersus paulo concinnior unus et alter,iniuste totum ducit uenditque poema. (EPISTVLARVM LIBER SECVNDVS, I 1:32)

    (호라티우스의 두번째 편지, 1 1:32)

  • scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim. (EPISTVLARVM LIBER SECVNDVS, I 1:50)

    (호라티우스의 두번째 편지, 1 1:50)

유의어 사전

1. Canere (from καναχεῖν) means, in the most general sense, to make music, voce, tibiis, fidibus, like μέλπειν; cantare, with vocal music, like ἀείδειν; psallere, with instrumental music, and indeed with string-instruments, like ψάλλειν. 2. Cantica and cantilenæ are only songs adapted for singing, in which, as in popular ballads, the words and melodies are inseparable, and serve to excite mirth and pleasure, in opp. to speech, and that which is spoken; and, indeed, canticum means a favorite piece, still in vogue; cantilena, a piece which, being generally known, has lost the charm of novelty, and is classed with old songs; whereas carmina and poemata are poems which may be sung, but the words of which claim value as a work of art, and serve religion or music as an art, in opp. to prose and real truth; carmina, indeed, were originally religious hymns, ἐπῳδαί, and, in a wider sense, poems of another sort, mostly, however, minor poems, and of a lyrical sort, like ᾠδαι; but poemata are the products of cultivated art, and extensive poems, mostly of the epic or tragic sort, like ποιήματα. The carmen (κάρω, κράζω) is the fruit of natural, but the poema of calm and self-conscious inspiration. 3. Poeta is a technical expression, and denotes a poet only as an artist; vates (ἠχέτης) is an old Latin and religious expression, and denotes a poet as a sacred person. Tac. Dial. 9. (v. 99.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein



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