라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


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  • (fundus의 복수 대격형) 아래들을

    형태분석: fund(어간) + ōs(어미)


2변화 명사; 남성 상위3000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: fundus, fundī

어원: FVD-

  1. 아래, 아래쪽
  2. 농장, 부동산, 땅덩어리
  3. 기반, 토대
  4. 권위, 권력
  1. bottom, lowest part,
  2. farm, piece of land, estate
  3. ground
  4. foundation
  5. an authority

격변화 정보

단수 복수
주격 fundus




속격 fundī




여격 fundō




대격 fundum




탈격 fundō




호격 funde





  • Ita cum vectes extolluntur, ancones deducunt fundos modiolorum ad imum delphinique, qui sunt in verticulis inclusi, calantes in eos cymbala, aere implent spatia modiolorum, atque ancones extollentes fundos intra modiolos vehementi pulsus crebritate et obturantes foramina cymbalis superiora, aera, qui est ibi inclusus, pressionibus coactum in fistulas cogunt, per quas in pnigea concurrit et per eius cervices in arcam. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER DECIMUS, chapter 8 9:18)

    (비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 8장 9:18)

  • in uilla colli superposita prope Tarracinam sinistrorsus Fundos petentibus, adoptatusque a nouerca sua Liuia nomen et Ocellare cognomen assumpsit mutato praenomine; (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum, Galba, chapter 4 1:7)

    (가이우스 수에토니우스 트란퀼루스, 황제전, , 4장 1:7)

  • inferretque deos Latio Latium duplex est, unum a Tiberi usque ad Fundos, aliud inde usque ad Vulturnum. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM PRIMVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 6 7:1)

    (마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 7:1)

  • an vero, si fructibus et emolumentis et utilitatibus amicitias colemus, si nulla caritas erit, quae faciat amicitiam ipsam sua sponte, vi sua, ex se et propter se expetendam, dubium est, quin fundos et insulas amicis anteponamus? (M. Tullius Cicero, de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, LIBER SECUNDUS 108:4)

    (마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 최선과 최악에 관하여, 108:4)

  • Cui dixit angelus Dei: " Tolle carnes et panes azymos et pone super petram illam et ius desuper funde ". Cumque fecisset ita, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudicum, 6 6:20)

    그러자 하느님의 천사가 그에게 말하였다. “고기와 누룩 없는 빵을 가져다가 이 바위 위에 놓고 국물을 그 위에 부어라.” 기드온이 그렇게 하였더니, (불가타 성경, 판관기, 6장 6:20)

유의어 사전

Solum, fundus, vadum, denote the natural ground and bottom of a thing; solum, that of the earth, on which one can place a firm foot, in opp. to the movable elements air and water; fundus (from fodere, βυθός,) that of a vessel, in opp. to the remaining space in the vessel; vadum (ἕδος) that of a river, ocean, or sea, in opp. to the water, which flows into it, or to standing water; whereas fundamentum denotes a foundation artificially laid, on which a building, etc. rests, and which, in addition to the solum, it particularly needs. Hence the proverbial phrase, Omnis res jam in vado est; like a swimmer who has reached the bottom of the water: and Largitio fundum non habet, like the vessel of the Danaides. Cic. Brut. 74. Solum et quasi fundamentum oratoris vides. (v. 35.)

1. Villa (dimin. of ἕδος) denotes a country-house, usually with a real estate; fundus, a real estate, usually with a country-house; prædium, sometimes a country-house, sometimes a real estate, like landed property. At the same time villa is an architectural term; fundus, an economical term; prædium, a juridical term. Cato, R. R. 3. Ita ædifices, ne villa fundum quærat, neve fundus villam. 2. Villa, fundus, and prædium, suppose a proprietor, like portio; whereas ager, arvum, rus, and campus, are thought of without reference to a proprietor, like pars. 3. Ager and campus denote the field, whether cultivated or not; ager (ἀγρός), the open field, in opp. to ground that is built upon, or planted with trees, consequently in opp. to urbs, oppidum, vicus, hortus, silva, like ἀγρός; whereas campus (κῆπος) denotes the low-lands and plains, like πεδίον, consequently in opp. to the high-lands, mons and collis; Cic. Div. i. 42. N. D. ii. 60. Colum. i. 2. Herenn. iv. 18. 25. Curt. viii. 1, 4. 4. Rus and arvum denote the corn-field; rus (ἄροτος) in opp. to the village or the town, like ἄρουρα; arvum, in opp. to pasture-lands and plantations, consequently in opp. to pabulum, pascuum, pratum, olivetum, Sall. Jug. 95. Cic. N. D. i. 45. Plaut. Truc. i. 2, 47. Hor. Ep. i. 16, 2. like ἄροτος. Cic. Fr. ap. Quintil. iv. 2. Fundum habet in agro Tiburino Tullius paternum. Orat. iii. 33. De fundo emendo, de agro colendo. Tac. G. 26. Arva per annos mutant, et superest ager. (iii. 5.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 아래

    • solum (바닥, 밑, 밑바닥)
  2. 농장

  3. 기반

  4. 권위


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