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기본형: opīnor, opīnārī, opīnātus sum
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | opīnor (나는) 생각한다 |
opīnāris, opīnāre (너는) 생각한다 |
opīnātur (그는) 생각한다 |
복수 | opīnāmur (우리는) 생각한다 |
opīnāminī (너희는) 생각한다 |
opīnantur (그들은) 생각한다 |
과거 | 단수 | opīnābar (나는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnābāris, opīnābāre (너는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnābātur (그는) 생각하고 있었다 |
복수 | opīnābāmur (우리는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnābāminī (너희는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnābantur (그들은) 생각하고 있었다 |
미래 | 단수 | opīnābor (나는) 생각하겠다 |
opīnāberis, opīnābere (너는) 생각하겠다 |
opīnābitur (그는) 생각하겠다 |
복수 | opīnābimur (우리는) 생각하겠다 |
opīnābiminī (너희는) 생각하겠다 |
opīnābuntur (그들은) 생각하겠다 |
완료 | 단수 | opīnātus sum (나는) 생각했다 |
opīnātus es (너는) 생각했다 |
opīnātus est (그는) 생각했다 |
복수 | opīnātī sumus (우리는) 생각했다 |
opīnātī estis (너희는) 생각했다 |
opīnātī sunt (그들은) 생각했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | opīnātus eram (나는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātus erās (너는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātus erat (그는) 생각했었다 |
복수 | opīnātī erāmus (우리는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātī erātis (너희는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātī erant (그들은) 생각했었다 |
미래완료 | 단수 | opīnātus erō (나는) 생각했겠다 |
opīnātus eris (너는) 생각했겠다 |
opīnātus erit (그는) 생각했겠다 |
복수 | opīnātī erimus (우리는) 생각했겠다 |
opīnātī eritis (너희는) 생각했겠다 |
opīnātī erunt (그들은) 생각했겠다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | opīner (나는) 생각하자 |
opīnēris, opīnēre (너는) 생각하자 |
opīnētur (그는) 생각하자 |
복수 | opīnēmur (우리는) 생각하자 |
opīnēminī (너희는) 생각하자 |
opīnentur (그들은) 생각하자 |
과거 | 단수 | opīnārer (나는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnārēris, opīnārēre (너는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnārētur (그는) 생각하고 있었다 |
복수 | opīnārēmur (우리는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnārēminī (너희는) 생각하고 있었다 |
opīnārentur (그들은) 생각하고 있었다 |
완료 | 단수 | opīnātus sim (나는) 생각했다 |
opīnātus sīs (너는) 생각했다 |
opīnātus sit (그는) 생각했다 |
복수 | opīnātī sīmus (우리는) 생각했다 |
opīnātī sītis (너희는) 생각했다 |
opīnātī sint (그들은) 생각했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | opīnātus essem (나는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātus essēs (너는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātus esset (그는) 생각했었다 |
복수 | opīnātī essēmus (우리는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātī essētis (너희는) 생각했었다 |
opīnātī essent (그들은) 생각했었다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | opīnāre (너는) 생각해라 |
복수 | opīnāminī (너희는) 생각해라 |
미래 | 단수 | opīnātor (네가) 생각하게 해라 |
opīnātor (그가) 생각하게 해라 |
복수 | opīnantor (그들이) 생각하게 해라 |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | opīnārī 생각함 |
opīnātus esse 생각했음 |
opīnātūrus esse 생각하겠음 |
수동태 | opīnātum īrī 생각되겠음 |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | opīnāns 생각하는 |
opīnātus 생각한 |
opīnātūrus 생각할 |
수동태 | opīnandus 생각될 |
' Opinor,hoc sentit: (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, XVI 16:54)
(호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 16 16:54)
des nummos, excepta nihil te si fuga laedit,ille ferat pretium poenae securus, opinor. (EPISTVLARVM LIBER SECVNDVS, II 2:11)
(호라티우스의 두번째 편지, 2 2:11)
opinor,haec res et iungit iunctos et servat amicos. (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, PRIMVS, 03 3:38)
(호라티우스의 풍자, 1권, 03장 3:38)
Non tantum indutiis factis sed prope iam [pace] constituta opera [cum] complanarent custodiaeque munitionum essent deductae, auxilia regis in id castellum Marcelli quod proximum erat regis castris, neque opinantibus omnibus — si tamen in omnibus fuit Cassius: (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 63:8)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 63:8)
Quo celeriter collato proxima nocte vigilia quarta legionibus omnibus expeditis impedimentisque in castris relictis prima luce neque opinantibus hostibus eum ipsum locum cepit, in quo Mithridates secundum proelium adversus Triarium fecerat. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 73:2)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 73:2)
1. Censere, judicare, arbitrari, æstimare, denote passing judgment with competent authority, derived from a call to the office of judge; censere, as possessing the authority of a censor, or of a senator giving his vote; judicare, as possessing that of a judge passing sentence; arbitrari, as possessing that of an arbitrator; æstimare (αἰσθέσθαι), as that of a taxer, making a valuation; whereas, opinari, putare, reri, and autumare, denote passing judgment under the form of a private opinion, with a purely subjective signification; opinari (ὀπίς) as a mere sentiment and conjecture, in opp. to a clear conviction and knowledge. Cic. Orat. i. 23. Mur. 30. Tusc. iv. 7. Rosc. Am. 10; putare, as one who casts up an account; reri as a poetical, and autumare as an antiquated term. 2. Æstimare denotes passing judgment under the form of the political function of an actual taxer, to estimate anything exactly, or according to its real value, or price in money; but existimare, as a moral function, to estimate anything according to its worth or truth; hence Cicero contrasts existimatio, not æstimatio, as a private opinion, with competent judgment, judicio; Cluent. 29. Verr. v. 68. 3. Censere denotes judgment and belief, as grounded upon one’s own reflection and conviction; credere, as grounded on the credit which is given to the testimony of others. 4. Opinor, parenthetically, implies modesty, like οἶμαι; whereas credo implies irony, like ὡσ ἔοικεν, sometimes in propositions that are self-evident, whereby the irony reaches the ears of those to whom the truth could not be plainly spoken or repeated, or who might be inclined to doubt it; sometimes, in absurd propositions which a man thinks fit to put in the mouth of another; sometimes, in propositions so evident as scarcely to admit of controversy. (v. 300.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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