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기본형: taberna, tabernae
per tōtum forum tabernae sunt. (Oxford Latin Course I, Market day 5:9)
광장 전체를 통틀어 좌판들이 있다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 5:9)
tabernam ērigunt et mercēs expōnunt. (Oxford Latin Course I, Market day 5:13)
좌판을 차리고, 상품들을 전시한다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 5:13)
mox amīcus ad tabernam accēdit et Flaccum salūtat; (Oxford Latin Course I, Market day 5:14)
곧 친구가 좌판으로 다가와서 Flaccus에게 인사한다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 5:14)
'omnēs mercēs vendidimus.' inquit; 'iam ad tabernam piscātōriam prōcēdō.' (Oxford Latin Course I, Market day 5:30)
그녀는 말한다. '우리는 모든 상품을 팔았다. 난 이제 어부의 좌판으로 간다.' (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 5:30)
Quīntum in urbem dūxit et mox in tabernā sēdēbant vīnum bibentēs. (Oxford Latin Course II, Acadēmīa 29:34)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 29:34)
Deversorium is any house of reception on a journey, whether one’s own property, or that of one’s friends, or of inn-keepers; hospitium, an inn for the reception of strangers; caupona (from καρποῦσθαι?) a tavern kept by a publican. These establishments afford lodging as well as food; whereas tabernæ, popinæ, ganea, only food, like restaurateurs; tabernæ (from trabes?), for the common people, as eating-houses; popinæ (from popa, πέψαι), for gentlefolks and gourmands, like ordinaries; ganea (from ἀγανός?), for voluptuaries. (vi. 101.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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