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기본형: līvor, līvōris
Livor vulneris absterget mala, et plagae in secretioribus ventris. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 20 20:30)
깊은 상처는 악을 씻고 매질은 배 속 깊은 곳을 씻는다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 20장 20:30)
A planta pedis usque ad verticem non est in eo sanitas; vulnus et livor et plaga tumens non est circumligata nec curata medicamine neque fota oleo. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 1 1:6)
발바닥에서 머리까지 성한 데라곤 없이 상처와 상흔 새로 맞은 자국뿐인데 짜내지도 싸매지도 못하고 기름을 바르지도 못하였구나. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 1장 1:6)
Quod si facie contusa livor subcruentus est, haec compositio nocte et die imposita tollit: (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber V, chapter 18 19:93)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 18장 19:93)
ulcus in locum pustulosum, pustulae in eum, qui pallet aut livet, pallor aut livor in id, quod inflammatum est, inflammatio in id, quod integrum est, transit. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber V, chapter 26 27:308)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 26장 27:308)
.non ille regno servit aut regno imminens vanos honores sequitur aut fluxas opes, spei metusque liber, haud illum niger edaxque livor dente degeneri petit; (Seneca, Phaedra 7:3)
(세네카, 파이드라 7:3)
Invidia denotes looking askance, as a sign that a man grudges something to another, from moral or immoral motives, not necessarily, though especially, from self-love, like ὑποψία; whereas livor (from χλεύη, or χλοιά), denotes the self-tormenting envy, which poisons the whole soul, and deprives the body itself of its fresh healthy color. 2. Invidia is the usual term for envy, whether active, as that which a man harbors, or passive, as a state in which a man stands; whereas invidentia is a new term of Cicero’s for the envy which a man harbors. 3. Invidia and livor denote envy as a temporary state, whereas malignitas as an habitual quality and disposition, in opp. to goodness of heart. The invidus and lividus grudge particular persons particular advantages, in particular cases; but the malignus wishes well to nobody but himself. 4. Invidia, livor, malignitas, denote a feeling and state of mind, whereas obtrectatio denotes an action, or manner of acting, proceeding from this feeling, inasmuch as it seeks to injure the envied person by dishonorable means, namely, detraction. Obtrectatio can scarcely be conceived as existing without invidia, but invidia may without obtrectatio, if the envious person is too cowardly to enter into conflict with the envied. 5. Obtrectatio supposes a rival, and has its origin in jealousy; whereas detrectatio only an enemy in general, and proceeds principally from antipathy. (iii. 65.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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