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기본형: poēta, poētae
cui si concedere nolis, multa poetarum veniat manus, auxilio quaesit mihi—nam multo plures sumus—, ac veluti teIudaei cogemus in hanc concedere turbam. (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, PRIMVS, 04 4:82)
(호라티우스의 풍자, 1권, 04장 4:82)
Alexandro illi, longe omnium excellentissimo regi, cui ex rebus actis et auctis cognomentum magno inditum est, ne uir unicam gloriam adeptus sine laude unquam nominaretur - nam solus a condito aeuo, quantum hominum memoria extat, inexuperabili imperio orbis auctus fortuna sua maior fuit successusque eius amplissimos et prouocauit ut strenuus et aequiperauit ut meritus et superauit ut melior, solusque sine aemulo clarus, adeo ut nemo eius audeat uirtutem uel sperare, fortunam uel optare - , eius igitur Alexandri multa sublimia facinora et praeclara edita fatigaberis admirando uel belli ausa uel domi prouisa, quae omnia adgressus est meus Clemens, eruditissimus et suauissimus poetarum, pulcherrimo carmine inlustrare; (Apuleius, Florida 7:1)
(아풀레이우스, 플로리다 7:1)
Primo poetarum ordine ad certationem inducto cum recitarentur scripta, populus cunctus significando monebat iudices, quod probarent. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER SEPTIMUS, chapter preface 1:14)
(비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 머리말 1:14)
Ptolomaeus vero, cum animadvertisset poetarum parentem philologiaeque omnis ducem absentem vexari et, cuius ab cunctis gentibus scripta suspicerentur, ab eo vituperari, indignans nullum ei dedit responsum. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER SEPTIMUS, chapter preface 1:23)
(비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 머리말 1:23)
Quod verba istaec Quadrigari ex Annali tertio, ibi mille hominum occiditur, non licenter neque de poetarum figura, sed ratione certa et proba grammaticae disciplinae dicta sunt. (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, A. Gellii Noctium Atticarum, Liber Primus, XVI 1:1)
(아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 1:1)
1. Canere (from καναχεῖν) means, in the most general sense, to make music, voce, tibiis, fidibus, like μέλπειν; cantare, with vocal music, like ἀείδειν; psallere, with instrumental music, and indeed with string-instruments, like ψάλλειν. 2. Cantica and cantilenæ are only songs adapted for singing, in which, as in popular ballads, the words and melodies are inseparable, and serve to excite mirth and pleasure, in opp. to speech, and that which is spoken; and, indeed, canticum means a favorite piece, still in vogue; cantilena, a piece which, being generally known, has lost the charm of novelty, and is classed with old songs; whereas carmina and poemata are poems which may be sung, but the words of which claim value as a work of art, and serve religion or music as an art, in opp. to prose and real truth; carmina, indeed, were originally religious hymns, ἐπῳδαί, and, in a wider sense, poems of another sort, mostly, however, minor poems, and of a lyrical sort, like ᾠδαι; but poemata are the products of cultivated art, and extensive poems, mostly of the epic or tragic sort, like ποιήματα. The carmen (κάρω, κράζω) is the fruit of natural, but the poema of calm and self-conscious inspiration. 3. Poeta is a technical expression, and denotes a poet only as an artist; vates (ἠχέτης) is an old Latin and religious expression, and denotes a poet as a sacred person. Tac. Dial. 9. (v. 99.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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