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기본형: restis, restis
"hortulus hic puteusque brevis nec reste movendus in tenuis plantas facili diffunditur haustu, vive bidentis amans et culti vilicus horti, unde epulum possis centum dare Pythagoreis." (Juvenal, Satires, book 1, Satura III 3:89)
(유베날리스, 풍자, 1권, 3:89)
hic tamen ancipiti figens vestigia planta victum illa mercede parat, brumamque famemque illa reste cavet: (Juvenal, Satires, book 5, Satura XIV 2:94)
(유베날리스, 풍자, 5권, 2:94)
Nulla tegit fractos - nec inanis - culcita lectos, Putris et abrupta fascia reste iacet. (Martial, Epigrammata, book 5, LXII 62:3)
(마르티알리스, 에피그램집, 5권, 62:3)
namque M. Fabius, captivus Romanus, cum per neglegentiam custodum festo die vinculis ruptis per murum inter opera Romanorum, religata ad pinnam muri reste suspensus, (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber VIII 234:3)
(티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 234:3)
infelici arbori reste suspendito; (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber I 273:5)
(티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 273:5)
1. Laqueus (from ἑλίξαι) is the noose at the end of a rope; whereas funis and restis mean the rope itself; funis, a thicker rope, which is meant more for drawing and pulling, and on that account must have a proper length, like σχοῖνος; restis, a thinner rope, which serves more for fastening and hanging up, and therefore may be short, like σπάρτη. The trace by which the equus funalis is attached; the rope on which the funambulus balances himself; the tow which draws the boat to the ship, are never rendered in prose by restis: whereas the rope with which the self-murderer hangs himself, or the slave is whipped, or the garment girded, is seldom rendered by funis, unless the poet gives the preference to the last word as a more elevated term. (v. 36.) 2. Rudentes are the sail ropes; retinacula, and oræ, the cables or anchor-ropes; retinacula, as a more general and popular term; oræ, oras, solvere, as more technical expressions in nautical language.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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