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기본형: tempestās, tempestātis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | tempestās 폭풍이 | tempestātēs 폭풍들이 |
속격 | tempestātis 폭풍의 | tempestātum 폭풍들의 |
여격 | tempestātī 폭풍에게 | tempestātibus 폭풍들에게 |
대격 | tempestātem 폭풍을 | tempestātēs 폭풍들을 |
탈격 | tempestāte 폭풍으로 | tempestātibus 폭풍들로 |
호격 | tempestās 폭풍아 | tempestātēs 폭풍들아 |
omnēs grātiās deīs reddidērunt quod ē tempestāte incolumēs ēvāserant. (Oxford Latin Course II, Quīntus ad Graeciam nāvigat 28:36)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 28:36)
Tabernaculum autem Domini, quod fecerat Moyses in deserto, et altare holocaustorum ea tempestate erat in excelso Gabaon; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Paralipomenon, 21 21:29)
그때에는 모세가 광야에서 만든 주님의 성막과 번제 제단이 기브온에 있었으나, (불가타 성경, 역대기 상권, 21장 21:29)
a Domino exercituum visitaberis in tonitruo et commotione terrae, magno fragore, turbine et tempestate et flamma ignis devorantis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 29 29:6)
만군의 주님께서 너를 찾아오시리라. 천둥과 지진과 굉음 태풍과 폭풍, 삼킬 듯한 불길과 함께 찾아오시리라. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 29장 29:6)
Et erit vir sicut latibulum a vento et refugium a tempestate, sicut rivi aquarum in sitiente terra et umbra petrae magnae in terra arida. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 32 32:2)
그들은 저마다 바람 앞에 피신처, 폭우 앞에 대피처 같으며 물기 없는 곳의 시냇물, 메마른 땅의 큰 바위 그늘 같으리라. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 32장 32:2)
Paupercula, tempestate convulsa absque ulla consolatione, ecce ego sternam super carbunculos lapides tuos et fundabo te in sapphiris; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 54 54:11)
너 가련한 여인아, 광풍에 시달려도 위로받지 못한 여인아. 보라, 내가 석류석을 너의 주춧돌로 놓고 청옥으로 너의 기초를 세우리라. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 54장 54:11)
1. Dies (from ἔνδιος) denotes time in its pure abstract nature, as mere extension and progression; whereas tempus and tempestas, with a qualifying and physical reference, as the weather and different states of time; tempus denotes rather a mere point of time, an instant, an epoch; tempestas, an entire space of time, a period. Hence dies docebit refers to a long space of time, after the lapse of which information will come, like χρόνος; whereas tempus docebit refers to a particular point of time which shall bring information, like καιρός. (iv. 267.) 2. Die means by the day, in opp. to by the hour or the year; whereas interdiu and diu, by day, in opp. to noctu; but interdiu stands in any connection; diu only in direct connection with noctu. (iv. 288.)
Ventus (ἀείς, or ἄντη, Hesiod) is the generic term for wind; procella and tempestas denote a violent wind; procella (κέλαδος), a mere squall or gust of wind; tempestas, a complete storm, or stress of weather, generally accompanied by thunder and lightning, rain or hail; whereas vortex and turbo denote a whirlwind; vortex (vertere), a weaker sort, that merely raises the dust; turbo (στρέφω, στροφάλιγξ), a strong whirlwind that causes destruction. (v. 287.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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