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기본형: astrum, astrī
Pliada lege poli nimboso moverat astro Iuppiter aeternum volvens opus, et simul undis (C. Valerius Catullus, Argonautica, C. Valeri Flacci Argonauticon Liber Secundus. 378:1)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 아르고나우티카, 378:1)
illius extremo sub funere mira repente flamma poli magnoque aries apparuit astro (C. Valerius Catullus, Argonautica, C. Valeri Flacci Argonauticon Liber Quintus. 242:1)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 아르고나우티카, 242:1)
haec tamen ignorat quid sidus triste minetur Saturni, quo laeta Venus se proferat astro, quis mensis damnis, quae dentur tempora lucro: (Juvenal, Satires, book 2, Satura VI 1:281)
(유베날리스, 풍자, 2권, 1:281)
I nunc et iuvenis specie laetare tui, quem maiora expectant discrimina, fiet adulter publicus et poenas metuet quascumque maritis lex irae debet, nec erit felicior astro Martis, ut in laqueos numquam incidat, exigit autem interdum ille dolor plus quam lex ulla dolori concessit: (Juvenal, Satires, book 4, Satura X 1:126)
(유베날리스, 풍자, 4권, 1:126)
Ledaeo poteras abducere Cyllaron astro: (Martial, Epigrammata, book 8, XXI 22:6)
(마르티알리스, 에피그램집, 8권, 22:6)
Stella (dimin. of ἀστήρ) means any one of the innumerable individual stars, like ἀστήρ; astrum (ἄστρον), any one of the greater bright heavenly bodies, the sun, moon, and principal stars, with their peculiar names, like ἄστρον; sidus (εἶδος), a complication of stars, a constellation, and, by affinity of the notion with number and magnitude, a great star, like τέρασ, τείρεα. Astrum and stella denote the stars more in a mere physical relation, as bright heavenly bodies; sidus, more in an astronomical and astrological relation, as portentous and influencing human affairs. Sen. Helv. 9. Dum ortus siderum, occasus intervallaque, et causas investigare velocius meandi vel tardius spectare tot per noctem stellas micantes liceat. (iv. 409.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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