- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


고전 발음: [데:키:카:니:] 교회 발음: [데:치:카:니:]


  • (dēscīscō의 현재 수동태 접속법 2인칭 복수형 ) (너희는) 떠나여지자

    형태분석: dēscīsc(어간) + a(어간모음) + minī(인칭어미)


3변화 동사; 자동번역 상위5000위 고전 발음: [데:키:코:] 교회 발음: [데:치:코:]

기본형: dēscīscō, dēscīscere, dēscīvī, dēscītum

  1. 떠나다, 출발하다, 철수하다, 철수시키다, 떠나가다, 버리다, 포기하다
  2. 참여하다, 들어오다
  3. 출발하다, 떠나다, 떠나가다, 방황하다, 벗어나다, 빗나가다
  1. I free myself, withdraw, leave, defect, desert, revolt from.
  2. (by extension) I desert to, go over to.
  3. (in general) I depart, deviate, withdraw from someone or something; fall off from; I am unfaithful to.

활용 정보



  • Perfecto ponte, magnis quinque civitatibus ad amicitiam adiunctis, expedita re frumentaria, exstinctis rumoribus de auxiliis legionum, quae cum Pompeio per Mauritaniam venire dicebantur, multae longinquiores civitates ab Afranio desciscunt et Caesaris amicitiam sequuntur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, PRIMVS 60:7)

    (카이사르, 내란기, 1권 60:7)

  • At sunt, qui vos hortentur, ut a nobis desciscatis. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, SECVNDVS 32:6)

    (카이사르, 내란기, 2권 32:6)

  • Erat autem magna multitudo oppidanorum in parte Caesaris, quam domiciliis ipsorum non moverat, quod ea se fidelem palam nostris esse simulabat et descivisse a suis videbatur: (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 7:2)

    (카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 7:2)

  • Quorum auctoritate facile adducti Caesarisque nomine persuasi a rege Iuba desciscunt celeriterque cuncti arma capiunt contraque regem facere non dubitant. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO AFRICO 55:2)

    (카이사르, 아프리카 전기 55:2)

  • "nec a genuina levitate descivit mulier sed execrando metallo pudicitiam suam protinus auctorata est." (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 9 17:27)

    (아풀레이우스, 변신, 9권 17:27)

유의어 사전

Turbæ and tumultus denote the civil broils of public life; turbæ (τύρβη) interruptions of public order; tumultus (from tumere) of the public peace; whereas seditio and secessio are political commotions, in consequence of decided, evident differences of opinion, and of conflicting principles; seditio (from se and ire) when concord is first disturbed, and the parties as yet contend with words only; secessio, when the prospect of reconciliation is already given up, and the parties either stand opposite each other, ready to come to blows, or, at least, have broken off all connection with each other. 2. The seditiosi and secedentes are citizens and members of a free community, and only suspend public concord; whereas the deficientes and desciscentes break a compact, because, either as subjected states they rebel, or as allies fall off; deficere, as the most general expression, represents the falling off, in a moral point of view, as a treacherous, fickle, cowardly desertion; desciscere (from scindere) in a political point of view, as an alteration in the constitution and political system. (v. 363.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 참여하다





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