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기본형: pontus, pontī
Sagittarios Creta, Lacedaemone, ex Ponto atque Syria reliquisque civitatibus III milia numero habebat, funditorum cohortes sexcenarias II, equitum VII milia. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO CIVILI, TERTIVS 4:9)
(카이사르, 내란기, 3권 4:9)
Plaetorium quaestorem, ut legionem adduceret quae ex tumultuariis militibus in Ponto confecta erat, Quintumque Patisium in Ciliciam ad auxilia arcessenda. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 34:11)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 34:11)
Non excessisse enim Ponto Pharnacen audiebat neque excessurum putabat, cum secundo proelio vehementer esset inflatus quod contra Domitium Calvinum fecerat. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 65:4)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 65:4)
Ponto vero decederet confestim familiasque publicanorum remitteret ceteraque restitueret sociis civibusque Romanis quae penes eum essent. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 70:8)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 70:8)
Zela est oppidum in Ponto positum, ipsum ut in plano loco satis munitum: (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 72:1)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 72:1)
1. Mare (from μύρω) denotes the sea, as a mass of water, in opp. to terra and aër, like ἅλσ, θάλασσα; æquor, pelagus, and pontus, with reference to its dimensions; æquor and pelagus, with reference to its horizontal dimension, the surface of the sea, like πέλαγος, whence πελαγίζειν, to float on the sea; pontus (from πεσεῖν, πίτνειν,) with reference to its perpendicular dimension, the depth of the sea, like πόντος, whence ποντίζειν, to sink into the sea. Colum. viii. 17. Ut in solo piscinæ posita libella septem pedibus sublimius esset maris æquor. Ovid, Met. ii. 872. Mediique per æquora ponti fert prædam. 2. Æquor (from æquus) denotes the surface of the sea in a merely physical sense; whereas pelagus (from πλάξ) with the accessory notion of its great extent and immensity. (iv. 72.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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