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기본형: laqueus, laqueī
praeoccupaverunt me laquei mortis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Samuelis, 22 22:6)
저승의 오랏줄이 나를 휘감고 죽음의 올가미가 나를 덮쳤네. (불가타 성경, 사무엘기 하권, 22장 22:6)
Ne regnet homo impius, ne sint laquei populo. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 34 34:30)
불경스러운 인간은 다스리지 못하고 백성에게 올가미를 놓지 못합니다. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 34장 34:30)
Spinae et laquei in via perversi, custos autem animae suae longe recedit ab eis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 22 22:5)
빗나간 자의 길에는 가시덤불과 덫이 있어 제 목숨을 지키려는 이는 그것들을 멀리한다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 22장 22:5)
addeiratum patruum, vicinos, te tibi iniquumet frustra mortis cupidum, cum deerit egentias, laquei pretium. (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, SECVNDVS, 02 2:56)
(호라티우스의 풍자, 2권, 02장 2:56)
Quo damno cognito suaque reprehensa neglegentia cocus diu lamentatus lacrimis inefficacibus, iam iamque domino cenam flagitante maerens et utcunque metuens altius, filio suo parvulo consalutato arreptoque funiculo, mortem sibi nexu laquei comparabat. (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 8 19:3)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 8권 19:3)
1. Laqueus (from ἑλίξαι) is the noose at the end of a rope; whereas funis and restis mean the rope itself; funis, a thicker rope, which is meant more for drawing and pulling, and on that account must have a proper length, like σχοῖνος; restis, a thinner rope, which serves more for fastening and hanging up, and therefore may be short, like σπάρτη. The trace by which the equus funalis is attached; the rope on which the funambulus balances himself; the tow which draws the boat to the ship, are never rendered in prose by restis: whereas the rope with which the self-murderer hangs himself, or the slave is whipped, or the garment girded, is seldom rendered by funis, unless the poet gives the preference to the last word as a more elevated term. (v. 36.) 2. Rudentes are the sail ropes; retinacula, and oræ, the cables or anchor-ropes; retinacula, as a more general and popular term; oræ, oras, solvere, as more technical expressions in nautical language.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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