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기본형: laqueus, laqueī
Qui congregat thesauros lingua mendacii, vento impingetur ad laqueos mortis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 21 21:6)
속임수 혀로 보화를 장만함은 죽음을 찾는 자들의 덧없는 환상일 뿐이다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 21장 21:6)
Ne adeas ad mulierem multivolam, ne forte incidas in laqueos illius. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 9 9:3)
창부를 만나지 마라. 그의 덫에 걸릴까 염려된다. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 9장 9:3)
quia inventi sunt in populo meo impii, insidiantes quasi incurvati aucupes, laqueos ponentes ad capiendos viros. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ieremiae, 5 5:26)
내 백성 가운데 사악한 자들이 있어 들새 사냥꾼처럼 숨어 기다리고 있다. 그들은 그물을 쳐 놓고 사람들을 잡는다. (불가타 성경, 예레미야서, 5장 5:26)
Audiatur clamor de domibus eorum; adduces enim super eos latronem repente, quia foderunt foveam, ut caperent me, et laqueos absconderunt pedibus meis. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ieremiae, 18 18:22)
당신께서 갑자기 그들에게 약탈자를 보내실 때 그들 집 안에서 울부짖는 소리가 들리게 하소서. 그들이 저를 잡으려고 구덩이를 파 놓고 저의 발밑에 올가미를 숨겨 두었습니다. (불가타 성경, 예레미야서, 18장 18:22)
Sed nequicquam frustra timorem illum satis inanem perfuncti longe peiores inhaesimus laqueos: (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 8 4:10)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 8권 4:10)
1. Laqueus (from ἑλίξαι) is the noose at the end of a rope; whereas funis and restis mean the rope itself; funis, a thicker rope, which is meant more for drawing and pulling, and on that account must have a proper length, like σχοῖνος; restis, a thinner rope, which serves more for fastening and hanging up, and therefore may be short, like σπάρτη. The trace by which the equus funalis is attached; the rope on which the funambulus balances himself; the tow which draws the boat to the ship, are never rendered in prose by restis: whereas the rope with which the self-murderer hangs himself, or the slave is whipped, or the garment girded, is seldom rendered by funis, unless the poet gives the preference to the last word as a more elevated term. (v. 36.) 2. Rudentes are the sail ropes; retinacula, and oræ, the cables or anchor-ropes; retinacula, as a more general and popular term; oræ, oras, solvere, as more technical expressions in nautical language.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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