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기본형: lūdus, lūdī
post epulās ad lūdōs sē parant. (Oxford Latin Course I, Quīntus mīlitēs spectat 14:21)
만찬 뒤에 게임을 위해 자신들을 준비시킨다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 14:21)
dum Quīntus lūdōs spectat, accurrit Gāius et ‘venī mēcum, Quīnte,’ inquit; (Oxford Latin Course I, Quīntus mīlitēs spectat 14:26)
Quintus가 게임을 보는 동안, Gaius가 달려와서 말한다. '나와 함께 가자 Quintus야,' (옥스포드 라틴 코스 1권, 14:26)
praetor lūdōs magnificōs populō dat.’ (Oxford Latin Course II, Lūdī circēnsēs 22:10)
지도자가 백성들에게 장대한 구경거리를 주고 있어.' (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 22:10)
Quīntus, quī lūdōs circēnsēs numquam vīderat, Marcō pārēre volēbat, sed pater cautus erat; (Oxford Latin Course II, Lūdī circēnsēs 22:11)
서커스 경기를 한번도 보지 못했던 퀸투스는 마르쿠스를 따르고 싶었지만, 아버지는 신중했다; (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 22:11)
spectācula omnis generis ēdidit, mūnera gladiātōria, vēnātiōnēs, lūdōs scaenicōs et tragicōs et comicōs. (Oxford Latin Course II, Caesaris triumphī 24:11)
그는 검투사들의 싸움, 사냥, 비극과 희극을 비롯한 연극 등 모든 종류의 행사를 개최했다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 24:11)
ludus 는 어린 학생들을 위한 초등 교육기관에 가까운 느낌인 반면, schola는 청년들을 위한 고등 교육기관에 가까움.
대개 ludus는 discipulus, ludi-magistrum과, schola는 auditor, doctor와 함께 쓰임.
1. Ludus (from λοίδορος) denotes play in an objective sense, inasmuch as it is at hand for a man’s entertainment; whereas lusus, in a subjective sense, inasmuch as a man carries it on and produces it himself; further, ludus denotes play, as a means of recreation, in opp. to exertion; lusus, as a childish, useless pastime, in opp. to real business. Plin. Ep. ix. 33. 3. Pueri quos otium ludusque sollicitat: comp. with ix. 25. Lusus et ineptias nostras legis. Or, Cic. Flacc. 5, 12. Græci quibus jusjurandum jocus est, testimonium ludus; that is, to whom it is a mere trifle to bear false witness; compare with Sen. Contr. i. 2. Piratas . . . quibus omne fas nefasque lusus est; that is, to whom the distinction between right and wrong is a mere sporting with words. 2. The plur. ludi assumes the special meaning of public spectacles, and in this sense has a singular peculiar to itself in the word ludicrum. 3. Ludus and lusus have more a negative character, as mere pastimes and amusements, as a guard against ennui; whereas jocus more a positive character, as an utterance of humor and wit. The ludens wishes merely to be free from exertion, to do nothing serious, and to amuse himself; the jocans will be as active at the command of mirth, as others at the command of seriousness. (ii. 33.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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