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기본형: prōgeniēs, prōgeniēī
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | prōgeniēs 종족이 | prōgeniēs 종족들이 |
속격 | prōgeniēī 종족의 | prōgeniērum 종족들의 |
여격 | prōgeniēī 종족에게 | prōgeniēbus 종족들에게 |
대격 | prōgeniem 종족을 | prōgeniēs 종족들을 |
탈격 | prōgeniē 종족으로 | prōgeniēbus 종족들로 |
호격 | prōgeniēs 종족아 | prōgeniēs 종족들아 |
Isti dies memorarentur et celebrarentur per singulas generationes in singulis cognationibus, provinciis et civitatibus, nec esset ulla civitas, in qua dies Phurim non observarentur a Iudaeis et ab eorum progenie. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Esther, 9 9:28)
(불가타 성경, 에스테르기, 9장 9:28)
Populus hic est ex progenie Chaldaeorum (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudith, 5 5:6)
저 백성은 칼데아인들의 후손입니다. (불가타 성경, 유딧기, 5장 5:6)
Quoniam non exsurrexit in progenie nostra, nec est in hodierna die neque tribus neque patria neque populus neque civitas ex nobis, qui adorent deos manufactos, sicut factum est in primis diebus, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudith, 8 8:18)
사실 우리 세대에는 우리의 어느 지파, 어느 가문에서도, 또 어느 씨족, 어느 성읍에서도, 이전처럼 손으로 만든 신들에게 경배하는 일이 일어난 적이 없고 오늘날에도 일어나지 않고 있습니다. (불가타 성경, 유딧기, 8장 8:18)
Tulit ergo rex anulum, quo utebatur, de manu sua et dedit eum Aman filio Amadathi de progenie Agag, hosti Iudaeorum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Esther, 3 3:10)
(불가타 성경, 에스테르기, 3장 3:10)
Quo magis etiam propter hos casus, nisi quae validissima non com- prehendatur hieme, novaque progenie repleatur numerus. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 7, chapter 3 15:1)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 7권, 3장 15:1)
1. Stirps, genus, and gens, denote the race usually in an ascending line, as abstract and collective terms, for majores; whereas prosapia, progenies, propago, proles, suboles, in a descending line, as abstract and collective terms for posteri. 2. Prosapia is an antiquated solemn expression, and only to be used of ancient noble families, Cic. Univ. 11. Quintil. i. 6, 40; posteritas, the usual prosaic, progenies, a select, elevated expression, Cic. Rep. ii. 22; proles and suboles, poetical expressions, Cic. Or. iii. 38; proles denotes children, as fruits destined, as a younger race, to exist with their parents; suboles, as an after-growth, destined to supply the place of the generation that is dying off. 3. Gens (γενετή) is a political, genus (γένος), a natural race. Gens consists of families, whom the founder of states has united into a community or complex family; genus consists of species and individuals, that by their common properties belong to one and the same class of beings. (v. 307).
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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