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기본형: sēmita, sēmitae
Cernens asina angelum Domini stantem in via, evaginato gladio in manu sua, avertit se de itinere et ibat per agrum. Quam cum verberaret Balaam et vellet ad semitam reducere, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Numeri, 22 22:23)
나귀는 주님의 천사가 칼을 빼어 손에 들고 길에 서 있는 것을 보고는, 길을 비켜나 밭으로 들어갔다. 발라암은 나귀를 때려 다시 길로 들어서게 하였다. (불가타 성경, 민수기, 22장 22:23)
Ecce enim breves anni transeunt, et semitam, per quam non revertar, ambulo. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 16 16:22)
내게 정해진 그 몇 해가 이제 다 되어 나 돌아오지 못할 길을 떠나기 때문이라네. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 16장 16:22)
Abscondita est in terra pedica eius, et decipula illius super semitam. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 18 18:10)
땅에는 그를 옭아맬 밧줄이, 길 위에는 올무가 숨겨져 있네. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 18장 18:10)
Semitam meam circumsaepsit, et transire non possum; et in calle meo tenebras posuit. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 19 19:8)
내가 지날 수 없게 그분께서 내 길에 담을 쌓으시고 내 앞길에 어둠을 깔아 놓으셨네. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 19장 19:8)
Numquid semitam saeculorum custodire cupis, quam calcaverunt viri iniqui? (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 22 22:15)
자네는 그 옛길을 따라가려는가? 사악한 인간들이 걸어간 그 길을? (불가타 성경, 욥기, 22장 22:15)
1. Iter and meatus denote the progress which a person makes, the going, the journey, in an abstract sense; iter, that which a rational being makes; meatus, that which a being void of reason and of will makes; via, the path on which a person goes, in a concrete sense. Hor. Od. iii. 2, 22. Virtus negata tentat iter via. Cic. Att. v. 14. Iter conficiebamus æstuosa et pulverulenta via.
2. Iter in a concrete sense, denotes a way which leads directly to a particular point, whether beaten and trodden, or not, like κέλευθος; whereas via (from the old word veha, way), a way, which, if not beaten, is the ordinary and usual way, like ὁδός. Cæs. B. G. vi. 27, means by viarum atque itinerum duces, the guides, who partly point out the frequented roads and paths, partly give information as to where they lead out.
3. Via and iter may be narrow or wide; whereas, trames, callis, and semita, denote only a narrow way or path; trames (τρῆμα) a by-road in a plain and town, by which one may arrive, partly in a shorter time, partly without being so much observed as in the open road, to a given point; semita (from secare, segmen), a foot-path, which often runs by the side of the high-road, like οἶμος; callis (from κέλευθος) a path over a mountain or through a wood, which is scarcely passable except for cattle, like ἀτραπός. Plaut. Cas. iii. 5, 42. De via in semitam degredi; and Liv. xliv. 43. Cic. Phil. xiii. 9, 19. Egressus est non viis, sed tramitibus paludatus; and Rull. ii. 35. Virg. Æn. ix. 383. Rara per occultos lucebat semita calles; and Curt. vii. 11, 2. (iv. 64.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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