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기본형: stirps, stirpis
mares tantum stirpis Aaron comedent illud. Legitimum sempiternum est in generationibus vestris de incensis Domini; omnis, qui tetigerit illa, sanctificabitur ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 6 6:11)
아론의 자손들 가운데 남자는 모두 그것을 먹을 수 있다. 이는 주님에게 바치는 화제물과 관련하여 너희가 대대로 지켜야 할 영원한 규정이다. 이 제물에 닿는 것은 무엇이든 거룩하게 된다.’” (불가타 성경, 레위기, 6장 6:11)
et praeceperunt populo: " Quando videritis arcam foederis Domini Dei vestri et sacerdotes stirpis leviticae portantes eam, vos quoque consurgite et sequimini eam (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iosue, 3 3:3)
백성에게 명령하였다. "주 여러분의 하느님의 계약 궤와 그 궤를 멘 레위인 사제들을 보거든, 여러분이 있던 곳을 떠나 그 뒤를 따라가시오. (불가타 성경, 여호수아기, 3장 3:3)
Aman enim filius Amadathi stirpis Agag, adversarius omnium Iudaeorum, cogitavit contra eos malum, ut deleret illos, et misit Phur, id est sortem, ut eos conturbaret atque deleret. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Esther, 9 9:24)
(불가타 성경, 에스테르기, 9장 9:24)
Vestrae namque stirpis sanctimoniam virginalem quoniam quacumque innotuistis, ac per hoc ubique, fama celeberrima praedicat, velocissimum volatum eius fideliore atque certiore litterarum nuntio praevenistis et prius nos fecistis exultare de cognito tam excellentissimo bono quam dubitare de audito. (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 37. (A. D. 413 Epist. CL) Dominarum Honore Dignissimis Merito Inlustribus et Praestantissima Filiabus Probae et Iuli An Ae Augustinus In Domino salutem 37:2)
(아우구스티누스, 편지들, 37:2)
'subluere aqua calida in qua decoctae verbenae sint' hic vox comprimentibus [vel reprimentibus] videri potest ex glossemate addita Targa, qui et reprimentibus et comprimentibus tolli jubet, quia, ni fallor, verbenam peculiarem stirpis speciem habet; (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina introduction, Adnotatio Critica). 3:733)
(켈수스, , 3:733)
1. Stirps, genus, and gens, denote the race usually in an ascending line, as abstract and collective terms, for majores; whereas prosapia, progenies, propago, proles, suboles, in a descending line, as abstract and collective terms for posteri. 2. Prosapia is an antiquated solemn expression, and only to be used of ancient noble families, Cic. Univ. 11. Quintil. i. 6, 40; posteritas, the usual prosaic, progenies, a select, elevated expression, Cic. Rep. ii. 22; proles and suboles, poetical expressions, Cic. Or. iii. 38; proles denotes children, as fruits destined, as a younger race, to exist with their parents; suboles, as an after-growth, destined to supply the place of the generation that is dying off. 3. Gens (γενετή) is a political, genus (γένος), a natural race. Gens consists of families, whom the founder of states has united into a community or complex family; genus consists of species and individuals, that by their common properties belong to one and the same class of beings. (v. 307).
Stirps (στέριφος) denotes the stock as the animating and supporting principal part of a tree, in opp. to the branches and leaves, as growing from it and dependent upon it; truncus, the naked, dry part of the tree, in opp. to the branches and leaves, and even to the top itself, as its ornament; in short, so far as it answers to the trunk of the human body. (iv. 322.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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