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기본형: stirps, stirpis
Et ista stirps Etam: Iezrahel et Iesema et Iedebos, nomenque sororis eorum Asalelphuni. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber I Paralipomenon, 4 4:3)
에탐의 아들들은 이러하다. 이즈르엘, 이스마, 잇바스인데, 그들의 누이 이름은 하츨렐포니였다. (불가타 성경, 역대기 상권, 4장 4:3)
tu autem proiectus es de sepulcro tuo quasi stirps abominabilis, obvolutus cum his, qui interfecti sunt gladio et descenderunt ad lapides sepulcri, quasi cadaver conculcatum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 14 14:19)
너는 사람들이 꺼리는 유산아처럼 무덤도 없이 내던져져, 구렁의 돌바닥으로 내려가는 살해된 자들, 칼에 찔려 죽은 자들로 옷처럼 뒤덮이고 발에 짓밟히는 송장처럼 되었구나. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 14장 14:19)
et fuisset quasi arena semen tuum, et stirps uteri tui ut lapilli eius; non interisset et non fuisset attritum nomen eius a facie mea. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 48 48:19)
네 후손들이 모래처럼, 네 몸의 소생들이 모래알처럼 많았을 것을. 그들의 이름이 내 앞에서 끊어지지도 없어지지도 않았을 것을.” (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 48장 48:19)
Dimittit ad finitimas civitates nuntios Caesar: omnes ad se vocat spe praedae ad diripiendos Eburones, ut potius in silvis Gallorum vita quam legionarius miles periclitetur, simul ut magna multitudine circumfusa pro tali facinore stirps ac nomen civitatis tollatur. (CAESAR, COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO, SEXTVS, XXXIV 34:8)
(카이사르, 갈리아 전기, 6권, 34장 34:8)
tibi festa caput turba coronat, tibi virgineas, laurum quatiens, de more comas innuba fudit stirps Inachia; (Seneca, Agamemnon 7:2)
(세네카, 아가멤논 7:2)
1. Stirps, genus, and gens, denote the race usually in an ascending line, as abstract and collective terms, for majores; whereas prosapia, progenies, propago, proles, suboles, in a descending line, as abstract and collective terms for posteri. 2. Prosapia is an antiquated solemn expression, and only to be used of ancient noble families, Cic. Univ. 11. Quintil. i. 6, 40; posteritas, the usual prosaic, progenies, a select, elevated expression, Cic. Rep. ii. 22; proles and suboles, poetical expressions, Cic. Or. iii. 38; proles denotes children, as fruits destined, as a younger race, to exist with their parents; suboles, as an after-growth, destined to supply the place of the generation that is dying off. 3. Gens (γενετή) is a political, genus (γένος), a natural race. Gens consists of families, whom the founder of states has united into a community or complex family; genus consists of species and individuals, that by their common properties belong to one and the same class of beings. (v. 307).
Stirps (στέριφος) denotes the stock as the animating and supporting principal part of a tree, in opp. to the branches and leaves, as growing from it and dependent upon it; truncus, the naked, dry part of the tree, in opp. to the branches and leaves, and even to the top itself, as its ornament; in short, so far as it answers to the trunk of the human body. (iv. 322.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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