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형태분석: contentiōn(어간) + ēs(어미)
형태분석: contentiōn(어간) + ēs(어미)
형태분석: contentiōn(어간) + ēs(어미)
기본형: contentiō, contentiōnis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | contentiō 스트레칭이 | contentiōnēs 스트레칭들이 |
속격 | contentiōnis 스트레칭의 | contentiōnum 스트레칭들의 |
여격 | contentiōnī 스트레칭에게 | contentiōnibus 스트레칭들에게 |
대격 | contentiōnem 스트레칭을 | contentiōnēs 스트레칭들을 |
탈격 | contentiōne 스트레칭으로 | contentiōnibus 스트레칭들로 |
호격 | contentiō 스트레칭아 | contentiōnēs 스트레칭들아 |
Audite ergo correptionem meam et contentiones labiorum meorum attendite. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 13 13:6)
이제 나의 논증을 듣고 내 입술이 하는 변론에 유의하게나. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 13장 13:6)
Ecce, ad lites et contentiones ieiunatis et percutitis pugno impie. Nolite ieiunare sicut hodie, ut audiatur in excelso clamor vester. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 58 58:4)
보라, 너희는 단식한다면서 다투고 싸우며 못된 주먹질이나 하고 있다. 저 높은 곳에 너희 목소리를 들리게 하려거든 지금처럼 단식하여서는 안 된다. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 58장 58:4)
Interim Lepidus ex citeriore provincia cum cohortibus legionariis XXXV magnoque numero equitum et reliquorum auxiliorum venit ea mente Uliam, ut sine ullo studio contentiones Cassi Marcellique componeret. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 63:1)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 63:1)
Manifesta autem sunt opera carnis, quae sunt fornicationes, inmunditiae, luxuriae, idolorum servitus, veneficia, inimicitiae, contentiones, aemulationes, animositates, dissensiones, haereses, invidiae, ebrietates, comissationes et his similia; (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 10. (A. D. 395 Epist. XXIX) Epistula Presbyteri Hipponiensium Regiorum Ad Alypium Episcopum Tagastensium De Die Natalis Leontii Quondam Episcopi Hipponiensis 6:5)
(아우구스티누스, 편지들, 6:5)
Si ergo repullulastis sanum sapere, orate, ne intretis in temptationem, ne iterum in contentiones, aemulationes, animositates, dissensiones, detractiones, seditiones, susurrationes. (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 49. (A. D. 423 Epist. CCXI) 3:8)
(아우구스티누스, 편지들, 3:8)
1. Disceptatio, litigatio, and controversia, are dissensions, the settling of which is attempted quietly, and in an orderly way; contentio, altercatio, and jurgium, such as are conducted with passion and vehemence, but which are still confined to words; rixæ (ὀρέκτης) such as, like frays and broils come to blows, or at least threaten to come to blows, and are mid-way between jurgium and pugna. Liv. xxxv. 17. Ex disceptatione altercationem fecerunt. Tac. Hist. i. 64. Jurgia primum, mox rixa inter Batavos et legionarios. Dial. 26. Cassius Severus non pugnat, sed rixatur. 2. Controversia takes place between two parties the moment they place themselves in array on opposite sides; disceptatio, when they commence disputing with each other, in order to arrive at the path of truth, or to discover what is right, but without a hostile feeling; litigatio, when a hostile feeling and a personal interest are at the bottom of the dispute. 3. Contentio would maintain the right against all opponents, and effect its purpose, whatever it may be, by the strenuous exertion of all its faculties; altercatio would not be in debt to its opponent a single word, but have the last word itself; jurgium (from ὀργή) will, without hearkening to another, give vent to its ill-humor by harsh words. Contentio presents the serious image of strenuous exertion; altercatio, the comic image of excessive heat, as in women’s quarrels; jurgium, the hateful image of rude anger. (v. 274.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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