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기본형: crīnis, crīnis
decalvabit Dominus verticem filiarum Sion et Dominus crinem earum nudabit ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 3 3:17)
그러므로 주님께서는 시온의 딸들의 정수리를 드러내시고 그들의 이마를 벗겨 보이시리라. (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 3장 3:17)
"Sed ut mihi morem I plenius gesseris, in effusum laxa crinem et capillo fluente undanter ede complexus amabiles." (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 2 16:8)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 2권 16:8)
noctis aeternae chaos, aversa superis regna manesque impios dominumque regni tristis et dominam fide meliore raptam, voce non fausta precor, nunc, nunc adeste, sceleris ultrices deae, crinem solutis squalidae serpentibus, atram cruentis manibus amplexae facem, adeste, thalamis horridae quondam meis quales stetistis: (Seneca, Medea 1:2)
(세네카, 메데아 1:2)
solvite crinem, (Seneca, Troades 87:1)
(세네카, 87:1)
funere crinem; (Seneca, Troades 105:1)
(세네카, 105:1)
1. Crinis and capillus denote the natural hair merely in a physical sense, like θρίξ; crinis (from κάρηνον), any growth of hair, in opposition to the parts on which hair does not grow; capillus (from caput), only the hair of the head, in opp. to the beard, etc. Liv. vi. 16. Suet. Aug. 23. Cels. vi. 2. Cic. Tusc. v. 20. Rull. ii. 5; whereas in coma and cæsaries the accessory notion of beauty, as an object of sense, is involved, inasmuch as hair is a natural ornament of the body, or itself the object of ornament; coma (κόμη) is especially applicable to the hair of females; cæsaries, to that of males, like ἔθειρα. Hence crinitus means nothing more than covered with hair; capillatus is used in opp. to bald-headed, Petron. 26, and the Galli are styled comati, as wearing long hair, like καρηκομόωντες. 2. Crinis, capillus, coma, cæsaries, denote the hair in a collective sense, the whole growth of hair; whereas pilus means a single hair, and especially the short and bristly hair of animals. Hence pilosus is in opp. to the beautiful smoothness of the skin, as Cic. Pis. I; whereas crinitus and capillatus are in opp. to ugly nakedness and baldness. (iii. 14.) 3. Cirrus and cincinnus denote curled hair; cirrus (κόῤῥη) is a natural, cincinnus (κίκιννος) an artificial curl. (iii. 23.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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