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기본형: crīnis, crīnis
Scriptum est quidem mulieres esse debere in habitu ordinato, aurique circumpositio et intortio crinium et cetera huius modi, quae vel ad inanem pompam vel ad inlecebram formae adhiberi solent, merito reprehensa sunt. (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 60. (A. D. Epist. CCLXII) Dominae Religiosissimae Filiae Ecdiciae Augustinus In Domino salutem 9:2)
(아우구스티누스, 편지들, 9:2)
"videt capitis aurei genialem caesariem ambrosia temulentam, cervices lacteas genasque purpureas pererrantes crinium globos decoriter impeditos, alios antependulos, alios retropendulos, quorum splendore nimio fulgurante iam et ipsum lumen lucernae vacillabat:" (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 5 5:173)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 5권 5:173)
aliae quae nitentibus speculis pone tergum reversis venienti deae obvium commonstrarent obsequium, et quae pectines eburnos ferentes gestu brachiorum flexuque digitorum ornatum atque oppexum crinium regalium fingerent; (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 11 9:3)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 11권 9:3)
satis ut puto crinium crimen, quod illi quasi capitale intenderunt, refutatur. (Apuleius, Apologia 4:18)
(아풀레이우스, 변명 4:18)
Sentio famosam veneficiis Martinam subita morte Brundisii extinctam, venenumque nodo crinium eius occultatum nec ulla in corpore signa sumpti exitii reperta. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER III, chapter 7 7:3)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 7장 7:3)
1. Crinis and capillus denote the natural hair merely in a physical sense, like θρίξ; crinis (from κάρηνον), any growth of hair, in opposition to the parts on which hair does not grow; capillus (from caput), only the hair of the head, in opp. to the beard, etc. Liv. vi. 16. Suet. Aug. 23. Cels. vi. 2. Cic. Tusc. v. 20. Rull. ii. 5; whereas in coma and cæsaries the accessory notion of beauty, as an object of sense, is involved, inasmuch as hair is a natural ornament of the body, or itself the object of ornament; coma (κόμη) is especially applicable to the hair of females; cæsaries, to that of males, like ἔθειρα. Hence crinitus means nothing more than covered with hair; capillatus is used in opp. to bald-headed, Petron. 26, and the Galli are styled comati, as wearing long hair, like καρηκομόωντες. 2. Crinis, capillus, coma, cæsaries, denote the hair in a collective sense, the whole growth of hair; whereas pilus means a single hair, and especially the short and bristly hair of animals. Hence pilosus is in opp. to the beautiful smoothness of the skin, as Cic. Pis. I; whereas crinitus and capillatus are in opp. to ugly nakedness and baldness. (iii. 14.) 3. Cirrus and cincinnus denote curled hair; cirrus (κόῤῥη) is a natural, cincinnus (κίκιννος) an artificial curl. (iii. 23.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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