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기본형: fūstis, fūstis
milesque qui fratrem suum in castris iugulasset, interceptus est a nostris et fusti percussus. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO HISPANIENSI 27:10)
(카이사르, 히스파니아 전기 27:10)
ac si quo casu lima caenoso ripae supercilio lubricante oneris impatientia prolapsus deruissem, cum deberet egregius agaso manum porrigere, capistro suspendere, cauda sublevare, certe partem tanti oneris, quoad resurgerem saltem, detrahere, nullum quidem defesso mihi ferebat auxilium, sed occipiens a capite, immo vero et ipsis auribus, totum me compilabat, ceciditque fusti grandissimo, donec fomenti vice ipsae me plagae suscitarent. (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 7 16:2)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 7권 16:2)
circumsistunt lectum percussores et prior trierarchus fusti caput eius adflixit. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XIV, chapter 8 8:15)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 8장 8:15)
nam et ex fuso exercitu cum decimus quisque fusti feritur, etiam strenui sortiuntur. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XIV, chapter 44 44:10)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 44장 44:10)
sorte ductus sic Sallustius sorte ductos fusti necat. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM SECVNDVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 201 182:11)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 182:11)
1. Fustis and ferula denote sticks for striking; sudes, trudes, and rudis, for thrusting; scipio and baculus, for walking. 2. Fustus (πτορθός?) is a cudgel or club, large enough to strike a man dead; but ferula, a little stick, or rod for the chastisement of school-boys; sudes (ὄζος) and trudes (στορθή, the root of Trüssel, a weapon called the Morning-star) [a sort of truncheon with a spiked head], are used in battle; rudis (ὀρσός) only as a foil in the fencing-school; scipio (σκηπίων, σκῆψαι), serves especially for ornament and state, as a symbol of superior power, or of the honor due to age; baculus, bacillum (βάκτρον), serve more for use and convenience to lean upon, and at the same time, when necessary, as a weapon. (iii. 265.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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