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기본형: horror, horrōris
et pollui eos in muneribus suis, cum offerrent omne, quod aperit vulvam, ut horrorem eis incuterem, et sciant quia ego Dominus. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 20 20:26)
그리하여 그들이 태를 맨 먼저 열고 나온 아들들을 불 속으로 지나가게 하면서 나에게 바친 그 제물들로, 나는 그들을 부정하게 만들었다. 이는 그들을 질겁하게 하여, 내가 주님임을 알게 하려는 것이었다.’ (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 20장 20:26)
negotiatores in populis sibilaverunt super te. In horrorem facta es et non eris usque in perpetuum" ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 27 27:36)
뭇 민족의 무역상들이 너를 두고 휘파람을 불어 대는 가운데 이제 너는 공포를 일으키며 영원히 사라져 버리는구나.’” (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 27장 27:36)
Omnes, qui viderint te, in gentibus obstupescent super te; in horrorem factus es et non eris in perpetuum ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Prophetia Ezechielis, 28 28:19)
민족들 가운데에서 너를 아는 이들이 모두 네 소식에 질겁하는 가운데 너는 공포를 일으키며 영원히 사라져 버린다.’” (불가타 성경, 에제키엘서, 28장 28:19)
Atque in iis quidem febribus, quae certum circuitum habent, duo balnei tempora sunt, alterum ante horrorem, alterum febre finita: (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber II, chapter 17 18:18)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 17장 18:18)
Frigus vero, ubi extremae partes membrorum inalgescunt, horrorem, ubi corpus totum intremit. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber III, chapter 3 3:15)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 3장 3:15)
1. Vereri (ὁρᾶν?) like αἰδεῖσθαι, has its foundation in what is strikingly venerable; metuere and timere, like δεῖσαι; and φοβεῖσθαι, in the threatening danger of an object. The timens and metuens fear the danger; the verens, the disgrace and shame. Cic. Phil. xii. 12. Quid? veteranos non veremur? nam timeri ne ipsi quidem volunt. Sen. 11, 37. Metuebant eum servi, verebantur liberi, carum omnes habebant. Liv. xxxix. 37. Veremur quidem vos Romani et si ita vultis etiam timemus. Afran. ap. Gell. xv. 13. Ubi malunt metui, quam vereri se ab suis. Senec. Ir. iii. 32. Quibusdam timeamus irasci, quibusdam vereamur. 2. Metus (ματᾶν) is fear, only as the anticipation of an impending evil, and reflection upon it, the apprehension that proceeds from foresight and prudence, like δέος, synonymously with cautio; whereas timor (from τρέμω), the fear that proceeds from cowardice and weakness. Or, metus is an intellectual notion; fear, as from reflection, in opp. to spes; for instances, see Cic. Verr. ii. 54. Off. ii. 6. Liv. xxx. 9. Suet. Aug. 25. Tac. H. i. 18. Ann. ii. 12, 38. Sen. Ep. 5. Suet. Aug. 5. Cels. ii. 6. Curt. viii. 6:—whereas timor is a moral notion, fear as a feeling, in opp. to fiducia, animus. Cic. Divin. ii. 31. Att. v. 20. Rull. i. 8. Sallust. Jug. ii. 3. Tac. Hist. ii. 80. Plin. Ep. v. 17. 3. In the like manner are spes, hope, and fiducia, confidence, distinguished. Sen. Ep. 16. Jam de te spem habeo, nondum fiduciam. Tac. Agr. 2. Nec spem modo ac votum securitas publica, sed ipsius voti fiduciam ac robur assumpserit. Suet. Cl. 10. Aliquanto minore spe quam fiducia. Liv. x. 25. Curt. ix. 4, 25. 4. Timor denotes fear, as a temporary state; timiditas, fearfulness, as an habitual quality, which is connected with ignavia, as a more precise expression for the more general feeling. Lactant. iii. 17. Epicurus . . . ignavum prohibet accedere ad rem publicam, pigrum exercere, timidum militare. Ignavia is inaptitude for any noble action, and particularly for deeds of valor; timiditas is, under certain circumstances, excusable; ignavia is absolutely blamable. 5. Metus and timor have their foundation in reflection, whereby a person is made clearly aware of the object and ground of his apprehension; whereas horror and formido is an immediate feeling, which overpowers the understanding by the dreadful image of the nearness of some horrid object, and can give no account of the ground of its fear; formido (fremere) expresses this state immediately as a state of mind, like ὀῤῥωδία; whereas horror (χέρσος) as the bodily expression of this state, by the hair standing on end, the eyes wildly staring, etc., like φρίκη. Tac. H. iv. 45. Metus per omnes ac præcipua Germanici militis formido. (ii. 190.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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