라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


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  • (mulcō의 과거 수동태 분사형 )

    형태분석: mulcāt(어간) + us(어미)


1변화 동사; 자동번역 상위10000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: mulcō, mulcāre, mulcāvī, mulcātum

어원: MARG-

  1. 괴롭히다, 힘껏 찔러 죽이다, 해치다
  1. I beat up, handle roughly.
  2. (of inanimate things) I damage, injure.

활용 정보


직설법 능동태

직설법 수동태

접속법 능동태

접속법 수동태

명령법 능동태

현재단수 mulcā

복수 mulcāte

미래단수 mulcātō


복수 mulcātōte


명령법 수동태

현재단수 mulcāre

복수 mulcāminī

미래단수 mulcātor


복수 mulcantor



능동태 mulcāns


수동태 mulcātus



형태 mulcātum



  • qui obvius fuerat, mulcatus nudatusque abibat, ut satis appareret, si sic agi liceret, victam legem esse. (Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, Liber III 131:2)

    (티투스 리비우스, 로마 건국사, 131:2)

  • aut quod ipse mulcatus pedes sit, sicut quibusdam videtur: (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM OCTAVVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 724 548:14)

    (마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 548:14)

  • qua in turba C. Vibienus senator, vir optimus, cum hoc cum esset una, ita est mulcatus ut vitam amiserit. (M. Tullius Cicero, PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO, chapter 14 2:2)

    (마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 밀로 변호문, 14장 2:2)

  • Male mulcatus graculus Redire maerens coepit ad proprium genus; (Phaedrus, Fabulae Aesopiae, Liber Primus, Graculus superbus et pavo. 4:5)

    (파이드루스, 이솝 우화, , 4:5)

  • Properas an non properas ire actutum ab his regionibus, dormitator, prius quam ego hic te iubeo mulcari male? (T. Maccius Plautus, Trinummus, act 4, scene 2 2:296)

    (티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:296)

유의어 사전

1. Verberare, ferire, and icere, mean, in a general sense, to strike, whether by throwing, hitting, or pushing; but the verberans makes his blow rebound; the iciens and feriens penetrate and wound, or break to pieces; the iciens (resembling in form jaciens) chiefly by throwing, for instance, fulmine ictus; the feriens, by pushing, for instance, murum ariete; whereas cædere, pulsare, and mulcare, denote especially striking, generally with a weapon; cædere, with a weapon that cuts and wounds, a hatchet, sword, whip, rod, strap; pulsare and mulcare, with a hard weapon, stick or fist. Pulsare has any object whatever, man, a door, the ground; mulcare, like to cudgel, only an object that can feel pain, especially man. 2. Verberare, in a narrower sense, denotes a quiet chastisement by the blows of a stick, which is generally appointed, as a formal punishment, by the competent authorities; whereas pulsare and mulcare, a misusage by blows or thrusts, which is administered as mere vengeance by unauthorized persons; pulsare (from pellere) as a slighter misusage with hand or stick, which principally hurts the honor and dignity of the person misused; mulcare (μαλάξαι, malaxare), a rougher misusage, with fists or clubs, which aims principally at physical pain, like a sound drubbing. 3. Pavire (παίειν) means to beat, in order to make a soft mass solid; cudere, in order to widen or extend a solid mass. Fulgere, battuere, and cajare are antiquated or vulgar expressions for beating. (v. 67.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 괴롭히다


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