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기본형: calculus, calculī
Suavis est homini panis mendacii, et postea implebitur os eius calculo. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 20 20:17)
속임수로 뺏은 빵은 달콤하지만 뒷날 그 입은 자갈로 가득 찬다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 20장 20:17)
Numerus dierum hominum ut multum centum anni, quasi gutta aquae maris deputati sunt, et sicut calculus arenae, sic exigui anni in die aevi. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 18 18:8)
인간은 무엇인가, 무슨 가치가 있는가? 그의 선함은 무엇이고 악함은 무엇인가? (불가타 성경, 집회서, 18장 18:8)
Et volavit ad me unus de seraphim, et in manu eius calculus, quem forcipe tulerat de altari, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Isaiae, 6 6:6)
그러자 사랍들 가운데 하나가 제단에서 타는 숯을 부집게로 집어 손에 들고 나에게 날아와, (불가타 성경, 이사야서, 6장 6:6)
certe calculo cunctorum utcumque mors ei fuerat destinata. (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 6 9:3)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 6권 9:3)
Nec mora nec cunctatio, sed calculis omnibus ducatum latrones unanimes ei deferunt, vestemque lautiusculam proferunt sumeret abiecto centunculo divite: (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 7 7:1)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 7권 7:1)
1. Saxum, rupes, and cautes, are greater; lapis, calx, and scrupus, smaller masses of stone. Plin. H. N. xxxvi. 22. Silex viridis ubi invenitur, lapis, non saxum est. 2. Saxa (from ψεκάσ, ψήχω) are greater masses of stone, in whatever form, like πέτραι; rupes and petræ (πέτραι, from πεσεῖν) are steep and high, like rocks, and therefore difficult to climb; cautes and scopuli are rough and pointed, like crags, and therefore threaten danger; the cautes are smaller, and also not visible in the water, and therefore deceitful; the scopuli (from κόψαι) jutting upwards, threaten and announce danger, like σκόπελοι. 3. Lapis (ἄλιψ) is the most general expression, and denotes the stone only as a material substance, without regard to its form, like λίθος; calculus, is a smooth, generally round pebble; scrupulus, a rough, generally angular pebble; but for this meaning of scrupulus, the dimin. of scrupus, we have only the authority of grammarians; in authors it has only the figurative meaning of scruple. (v. 191.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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