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기본형: calculus, calculī
namque cum non penitus macerata sed recens sumitur, cum fuerit inducta habens latentes crudos calculos, pustulas emittit. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER SEPTIMUS, chapter 2 3:3)
(비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 2장 3:3)
Item sunt nonnullae acidae venae fontium, uti Lyncesto et in Italia Velino, Campania Teano aliisque locis pluribus, quae hanc habent virtutem, uti calculos, in vesicis qui nascuntur in corporibus hominum, potionibus discutiant. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER OCTAVUS, chapter 3 4:71)
(비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 3장 4:71)
igitur circumitio tympani plani quotienscumque ad foramen perducet calculos, emittet per canaliculum. (Vitruvius Pollio, De Architectura, LIBER DECIMUS, chapter 9 10:23)
(비트루비우스 폴리오, 건축술에 관하여, , 9장 10:23)
eamque quidam promptius recti, quidam resupinati, maximeque ii, qui grandes calculos habent, quidam etiam inclinati reddunt, colemque extendendo dolorem levant. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber II, chapter 7 8:38)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 7장 8:38)
Item molles calculos et ex pluribus minutisque sed inter se parum adstrictis compositos indicat urina trahens quasdam quasi squamulas. (Aulus Cornelius Celsus, De Medicina, Liber VII, chapter 26 27:87)
(켈수스, 의학에 관하여, , 26장 27:87)
1. Saxum, rupes, and cautes, are greater; lapis, calx, and scrupus, smaller masses of stone. Plin. H. N. xxxvi. 22. Silex viridis ubi invenitur, lapis, non saxum est. 2. Saxa (from ψεκάσ, ψήχω) are greater masses of stone, in whatever form, like πέτραι; rupes and petræ (πέτραι, from πεσεῖν) are steep and high, like rocks, and therefore difficult to climb; cautes and scopuli are rough and pointed, like crags, and therefore threaten danger; the cautes are smaller, and also not visible in the water, and therefore deceitful; the scopuli (from κόψαι) jutting upwards, threaten and announce danger, like σκόπελοι. 3. Lapis (ἄλιψ) is the most general expression, and denotes the stone only as a material substance, without regard to its form, like λίθος; calculus, is a smooth, generally round pebble; scrupulus, a rough, generally angular pebble; but for this meaning of scrupulus, the dimin. of scrupus, we have only the authority of grammarians; in authors it has only the figurative meaning of scruple. (v. 191.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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