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형태분석: cōnsuētūdin(어간) + ī(어미)
기본형: cōnsuētūdō, cōnsuētūdinis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | cōnsuētūdō 습관화가 | cōnsuētūdinēs 습관화들이 |
속격 | cōnsuētūdinis 습관화의 | cōnsuētūdinum 습관화들의 |
여격 | cōnsuētūdinī 습관화에게 | cōnsuētūdinibus 습관화들에게 |
대격 | cōnsuētūdinem 습관화를 | cōnsuētūdinēs 습관화들을 |
탈격 | cōnsuētūdine 습관화로 | cōnsuētūdinibus 습관화들로 |
호격 | cōnsuētūdō 습관화야 | cōnsuētūdinēs 습관화들아 |
Sallustius quoque, proprietatum in verbis retinentissimus, consuetudini concessit et privilegium, quod de Cn. (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, Liber Decimus, XX 11:1)
(아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 11:1)
quare princeps quoque et locum incunabulorum assidue frequentauit, manente uilla qualis fuerat olim, ne quid scilicet oculorum consuetudini deperiret; (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum, Divus Vespasianus, chapter 2 1:7)
(가이우스 수에토니우스 트란퀼루스, 황제전, , 2장 1:7)
'Quid si,' inquit Crassus 'quoniam ego, quo facilius vos apud me tenerem, vestrae potius obsecutus sum voluntati, quam aut consuetudini aut naturae meae, petimus ab Antonio, ut ea, quae continet neque adhuc protulit, ex quibus unum libellum sibi excidisse iam dudum questus est, explicet nobis et illa dicendi mysteria enuntiet? (M. Tullius Cicero, De Oratore, LIBER PRIMVS 206:1)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 웅변가론, 206:1)
Nec vero reprehenderim scripsere alii rem et scripserunt esse verius sentio, sed consuetudini auribus indulgenti libenter obsequor. (M. Tullius Cicero, ORATOR AD M. BRVTVM, chapter 47 1:10)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, , 47장 1:10)
quantum autem consuetudini famaeque dandum sit, id curent vivi, sed ita, ut intellegant nihil id ad mortuos pertinere. (M. Tullius Cicero, Tusculanae Disputationes, book 1 108:1)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 투스쿨라눔의 대화, 1권 108:1)
Consuetudo denotes the uniform observance of anything as a custom, arising from itself, and having its foundation in the inclination or convenience of an individual or people, ἔθος; whereas mos (modus) is the habitual observance of anything, as a product of reason, and of the self-conscious will, and has its foundation in moral views, or the clear dictates of right, virtue, and decorum, ἦθος; lastly, ritus denotes the hallowed observance of anything, either implanted by nature as an instinct, or introduced by the gods as a ceremony, or which, at any rate, cannot be traced to any human origin. Consuetudines are merely factitious, and have no moral worth; mores are morally sanctioned by silent consent, as jura and leges by formal decree; ritus (from ἀριθμόσ, ῥυθμός), are natural, and are hallowed by their primæval origin, and are peculiar to the animal. (v. 75.) 2. Ritus is a hallowed observance, as directed and taught by the gods or by nature; whereas cærimonia (κηδεμονία) is that which is employed in the worship of the gods.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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