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기본형: īnfāns, īnfantis
potest ergo aliquod esse et infantis. (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 20, letter 124 13:2)
(세네카, , , 13:2)
Infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis: omne masculinum in generationibus vestris, tam vernaculus quam empticius ex omnibus alienigenis, quicumque non fuerit de stirpe vestra. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 17 17:12)
대대로 너희 가운데 모든 남자는 난 지 여드레 만에 할례를 받아야 한다. 씨종과, 너의 후손이 아닌 외국인에게서 돈으로 산 종도 할례를 받아야 한다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 17장 17:12)
aperiens cernensque in ea parvulum vagientem, miserta eius ait: " De infantibus Hebraeorum est hic ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 2 2:6)
그것을 열어 보니 아기가 울고 있었다. 공주는 그 아기를 불쌍히 여기며, “이 아기는 히브리인들의 아이 가운데 하나로구나.” 하였다. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 2장 2:6)
Et interfecerunt omnia, quae erant in ea, a viro usque ad mulierem, ab infante usque ad senem; boves quoque et oves et asinos in ore gladii percusserunt. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iosue, 6 6:21)
그리고 남자와 여자, 어른과 아이, 소와 양과 나귀 할 것 없이, 성읍 안에 있는 모든 것을 칼로 쳐서 완전 봉헌물로 바쳤다. (불가타 성경, 여호수아기, 6장 6:21)
Dixerunt autem ei servi sui: " Quid est quod fecisti? Propter infantem, cum adhuc viveret, ieiunasti et flebas; mortuo autem puero, surrexisti et comedisti panem ". (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber II Samuelis, 12 12:21)
신하들이 그에게 여쭈었다. “임금님께서 어찌 이런 행동을 하십니까? 왕자님이 살아 계실 때에는 단식하고 우시더니, 이제 왕자님이 돌아가시자 일어나시어 음식을 드시니 말입니다.” (불가타 성경, 사무엘기 하권, 12장 12:21)
Puer (from parere, πάϊς,) in a wider sense, is the man in his dependent years, so long as he neither can be, nor is, the father of a family, as a young person, in three periods, as infans, νήπιοσ, παιδίον, from his first years till he is seven; as puer, in a narrower sense, παῖς, from his seventh year till he is sixteen; as commencing adolescens (from ἄλθειν) a youngster, μειράκιον, νεανίας, from his sixteenth year. Juvenis, in a wider sense, is as long as he remains in his years of greatest strength, from about the time of his being of age to the first appearances of advanced age, as the young man νέος, which also may be divided into three periods;—as ceasing to be adolescens, from his eighteenth year; as juvenis (from ζέω) in a narrower sense, νεανίας, from his four-and-twentieth year; as beginning to be vir, ἀνήρ, from his thirtieth year. Maturus is the man in his ripest years, when the wild fire of youth has evaporated, and may be divided into three periods;—as ceasing to be vir, ἀνήρ, from his fortieth year; as vetus, γέρων, from his fiftieth year; as senex, (ἄναξ) πρεσβύτης, from his sixtieth year. (v. 45.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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