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기본형: vestis, vestis
nudum vesti, esurientem ciba, aegrotantem visita; (Jerome, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., Ad Furiam De Viduitate Seruanda 9:7)
(히에로니무스, 편지들, 9:7)
utque dedit notae lacrimas, dedit oscula vesti, accipe nunc inquit nostri quoque sanguinis haustus! (P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses, Book 4 12:8)
(푸블리우스 오비디우스 나소, 변신 이야기, Book 4권 12:8)
quid istae, quae vesti quotannis nomina inveniunt nova? (T. Maccius Plautus, Epidicus, act 2, scene 2 2:85)
(티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:85)
hae se cum Iunoni in pulchritudine praetulis- sent - vel, ut quidam volunt, cum essent antistites, ausae sunt vesti eius aurum detractum in usum suum convertere - , illa irata hunc errorem earum inmisit mentibus, ut se putantes vaccas in saltus abirent et plerumque mugirent et timerent aratra: (Maurus Servius Honoratus, In Vergilii Bucolicon Librum, ECLOGA SEXTA., commline 48 40:2)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 40:2)
ex quo interiectum vesti tineas necat. (Macrobii Saturnalia, Liber III, XIX. 4:6)
(, , 4:6)
1. Vestis (from vas, Goth. wastjan) is the most general expression, and denotes sometimes the whole clothes; vestitus, sometimes only a single article of dress, vestimentum. Vestem mutare denotes, to go into mourning; vestimenta mutare, to shift one’s clothes. 2. Vestis and vestimentum denote the clothes which cover the body, as necessary or decent; amictus and amiculum (from ambi and jacere) the cloak or mantle which covers the under-clothing, for the sake of warmth or of ornament; amictus, the whole of the over-clothing; amiculum, a single article, as a mantle. Tac. G. 17. Feminæ sæpius lineis amictibus velantur, partemque vestitus superioris in manicas non extendunt. Curt. v. 1, 38. Sil. It. vii. 447. 3. Cultus and habitus have a wider meaning than vestis; cultus (occulere) whatever belongs to dress, girdle, hat, ornaments, arms, etc.; habitus, whatever belongs to the exterior in general, cleanliness, mode of dressing the hair, carriage of the body, etc. Suet. Cæs. 44. Dicam ea, quæ ad formam et habitum et cultum et mores pertinebant. Cal. 52. Vestitu calceatuque cæteroque habitu. (v. 209.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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