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기본형: guttur, gutturis
Hic laqueo fauces elisaque guttura fregit: (M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia, book 2 2:64)
(마르쿠스 안나이우스 루카누스, 파르살리아, 2권 2:64)
Obliquusque caput vanas serpentis in auras Effusae tuto comprendit guttura morsu Letiferam citra saniem: (M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia, book 4 7:6)
(마르쿠스 안나이우스 루카누스, 파르살리아, 4권 7:6)
guttura rupta patent. (ANONYMUS NEVELETI, De rana et boue 43:9)
(, 43:9)
Nam Ioue dante trabem, trabis ictu flumine moto, Demersit subitus guttura rauca timor. (ANONYMUS NEVELETI, De ranis a Ioue querentibus regem 24:4)
(, 24:4)
sunt avidae volucres, non quae Phineia mensis guttura fraudabant, sed genus inde trahunt: (P. Ovidius Naso, Fasti, book 6 6:91)
(푸블리우스 오비디우스 나소, 행사력, 6권 6:91)
Faux, glutus, and ingluvies, denote the space within the throat; glutus (γλῶττα), in men; ingluvies, in animals; faux (φάρυγξ), the upper part, the entrance into the throat; whereas guttur, gurgulio, and gula, denote that part of the body which encloses the space within the throat; gurgulio (redupl. of gula), in animals; gula, in men; guttur, in either. (v. 149.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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