- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


2변화 동사; 상위5000위 고전 발음: [오:] 교회 발음: [오:]

기본형: oleō, olēre, oluī

어원: 2 OD-

  1. 냄새가 나다, 악취를 풍기다
  2. 냄새를 풍기다
  3. 누설되다, 관찰되다
  1. I smell; I emit an odor, especially a bad odor.
  2. I am given away by smell; I smell of.
  3. I am observed, betrayed.

활용 정보



  • dicens: " Sume tibi aromata prima myrrhae electae quingentos siclos et cinnamomi boni odoris medium, id est ducentos quinquaginta siclos, calami suave olentis similiter ducentos quinquaginta, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 30 30:23)

    “너는 가장 좋은 향료를 이렇게 장만하여라. 액체 몰약을 오백 세켈, 향기로운 육계향을 그 절반인 이백오십 세켈, 향기로운 향초를 이백오십 세켈, (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 30장 30:23)

  • Postume, non bene olet qui bene semper olet. (Martial, Epigrammata, book 2, XII 13:3)

    포스투무스, 항상 좋은 냄새가 나는 이에게서는 좋은 냄새가 나지 않아요. (마르티알리스, 에피그램집, 2권, 13:3)

  • Deterius Libycis olet aut nitet herba lapillis? (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, X 10:8)

    (호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 10 10:8)

  • ut male sanosadscripsit Liber Satyris Faunisque poetas,uina fere dulces oluerunt mane Camenae; (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, XIX 19:2)

    (호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 19 19:2)

  • facetuspastillos Rufillus olet, Gargonius hircum: (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, PRIMVS, 02 2:16)

    (호라티우스의 풍자, 1권, 02장 2:16)

유의어 사전

1. Odor and olere (ὄδωδα) denote, objectively, the smell which a thing has in itself, in opp. to sapor, etc., like ὀσμή; whereas olfactus and olfacere denote, subjectively, the sensation caused by this smell, or the sense of smell, in opp. to gustus, etc., like ὄσφρησις. 2. Olere means to smell, in opp. to being without smell, and especially denotes a rank and bad smell; whereas fragrare (from βρέχειν) denotes a good smell. Redolere and perolere are used as frequentatives; redolere denotes a strong smell in an indifferent sense; perolere, a penetrating smell, in a bad sense. 3. Olfactus is a smell, as far as it is an involuntary effect of the sense of smell; odoratus, as far as it is an intentional exertion of that sense. 4. Olfacere, to smell, is of a passive nature, like audire, the smell mounting up to the nose of itself; odorari, to smell at, to sniff, ῥίνηλατεῖν, is of an active nature, like auscultare, the man drawing up the smell into his nose of himself. Olfaciens sentit odorem, odorans captat. 5. Olidus denotes smelling, and particularly with a bad smell; odorus, with a good smell. Hence, bene olidus denotes merely the negative of a stench; odorus, a positive good smell; and the antiquated word olor denoted a stench, like oletum; but odor denotes only a smell. (iii. 131.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 냄새가 나다

    • oboleō (향기를 내뿜다, 냄새가 나다)
  2. 누설되다





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