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형태분석: prōlēs(어간)
형태분석: prōlēs(어간)
기본형: prōlēs, prōlis
Ille, sciens non sibi nasci hunc filium, introiens ad uxorem fratris sui semen fundebat in terram, ne proles fratris nomine nasceretur. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Genesis, 38 38:9)
그러나 오난은 그 자손이 자기 자손이 되지 않을 것을 알고 있었기 때문에, 형수와 한자리에 들 때마다, 형에게 자손을 만들어 주지 않으려고 그것을 바닥에 쏟아 버리곤 하였다. (불가타 성경, 창세기, 38장 38:9)
Haud male Telemachus, proles patientis Vlixei: (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, VII 7:27)
(호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 07 7:27)
Si forma velit aspici, cedent Aesonio duci proles fulminis improbi aptat qui iuga tigribus. (Seneca, Medea 2:6)
(세네카, 메데아 2:6)
quippe sequeretur necem proles parentum, sancta si caelum incolis Iustitia, numen invoco ac testor tuum: (Seneca, Medea 7:36)
(세네카, 메데아 7:36)
Huc, cara proles, unicum afflictae domus solamen, huc vos ferte et infusos mihi coniungite artus, habeat incolumes pater, dum et mater habeat, urguet exilium ac fuga. (Seneca, Medea 14:34)
(세네카, 메데아 14:34)
1. Stirps, genus, and gens, denote the race usually in an ascending line, as abstract and collective terms, for majores; whereas prosapia, progenies, propago, proles, suboles, in a descending line, as abstract and collective terms for posteri. 2. Prosapia is an antiquated solemn expression, and only to be used of ancient noble families, Cic. Univ. 11. Quintil. i. 6, 40; posteritas, the usual prosaic, progenies, a select, elevated expression, Cic. Rep. ii. 22; proles and suboles, poetical expressions, Cic. Or. iii. 38; proles denotes children, as fruits destined, as a younger race, to exist with their parents; suboles, as an after-growth, destined to supply the place of the generation that is dying off. 3. Gens (γενετή) is a political, genus (γένος), a natural race. Gens consists of families, whom the founder of states has united into a community or complex family; genus consists of species and individuals, that by their common properties belong to one and the same class of beings. (v. 307).
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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