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기본형: repudium, repudiī
paria narrentur tua repudia thalamis: (Seneca, Medea 1:19)
(세네카, 메데아 1:19)
non dant exitum repudia regum, spe metus falsa levas. (Seneca, Agamemnon 6:19)
(세네카, 아가멤논 6:19)
Feliciorem ergo tu Maecenatem putas, cui amoribus anxio et morosae uxoris cotidiana repudia deflenti somnus per symphoniarum cantum ex longinquo lene resonantium quaeritur ? (Seneca, De Providentia, book 1 31:1)
(세네카, , 31:1)
sic coniuges expellit Alcides suas, haec sunt repudia; (Seneca, Hercules Oetaeus 7:13)
(세네카, 7:13)
Repudia istos comites atque hoc respice et revortere. (T. Maccius Plautus, Mercator, act 5, scene 2 2:43)
(티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:43)
Repudium is a one-sided putting away of a betrothed bride, or of a married woman; divortium, a mutual agreement, acquiescing in the dissolution of a marriage, or a formal divorce, by which each party was released. The formula of the repudium was: Conditione tua non utor:—that of the divortium: Res tuas tibi habeto. We say: Repudium mittere, remittere, renunciare, dicere alicui; whereas divortium facere cum aliqua.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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