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기본형: veternus, veternī
nunc eum volo de tuo ponte mittere pronum, si pote stolidum repente excitare veternum et supinum animum in gravi derelinquere caeno, ferream ut soleam tenaci in voragine mula. (C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina, Lyrics , Poem 17 18:5)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 노래, , 18:5)
nam veternum dicitur morbus intercus, id est ὕδρωψ, qui homines efficit pigros. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil, book 1, commline 124 115:2)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , 1권, 115:2)
Plautus in Addicto "opus facere nimio quam dormire mavolo, veternum metuo". (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Georgics of Vergil, book 1, commline 124 115:4)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , 1권, 115:4)
vagitus ille exordium vernantis orbis prodidit, nam tunc renatus sorididum mundus veternum depulit. (Prudentius, Liber Cathemerinon, Hymnus VIII Kal. Ianuarias 11:17)
(프루덴티우스, , 11:17)
Rursus aeque malitiam et aerumnosi animi veternum perspiciemus, quamvis multus circa divitiarum radiantium splendor inpediat et intuentem hinc honorum, illinc magnarum potestatium falsa lux verberet. (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 19, letter 115 7:1)
(세네카, , , 7:1)
1. Antiquum and priscum denote the age that formerly existed, and is now no more, in opp. to novum, like παλαιός; vetus and vetustum (from ἔτος), what has existed for a long time, and has no longer any share in the disadvantages or advantages of youth, in opp. to recens, like γέρων, γεραιόσ, γερούσιος. Hence antiquus homo is a man who existed in ancient times; vetus, an old man. Antiqui scriptores means the classics, inasmuch as the age in which they flourished has long been past; veteres, inasmuch as they have lived and influenced manhood for 2000 years. Cic. Verr. i. 21. Vereor ne hæc nimis antiqua et jam obsoleta videantur: compare with Orat. i. 37. Ut illi vetus atque usitata exceptio daretur. 2. Vetus refers only to length of time, and denotes age, sometimes as a subject of praise, sometimes as a reproach; vetustus refers to the superiority of age, inasmuch as that which is of long standing is at the same time stronger, more worthy of honor, more approved of, than that which is new, in opp. to novicius; lastly, veternus refers to the disadvantages of age, inasmuch as, after many years’ use, a thing becomes worn out, or, through long existence, weak and spiritless. Moreover, veternus, in the writers of the golden age, is only admitted as a substantive, veternum, as lethargy; vetus regularly supplies its place, and denotes more frequently the weakness than the strength of age. Tac. Ann. xi. 14 and 15. Veterrimis Græcorum, and vetustissima Italiæ disciplina. 3. Antiquus denotes age only in relation to time, as a former age in opp. to the present; priscus (from πάρος), as a solemn word, with the qualifying accessory notion of a former age worthy of honor, and a sacred primitive age, like ἀρχαῖος, in opp. to the fashion of the day. 4. Antiquus and priscus denote a time long past; pristinus, generally, denotes only a time that is past, like πρότερος. (iv. 83.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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