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라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


2변화 동사; 상위10000위 고전 발음: [오:] 교회 발음: [오:]

기본형: algeō, algēre, alsī

  1. 춥다, 차갑다, 냉기를 느끼다
  2. 무시받다, 방치되다, 경시되다
  1. I am or feel cold or chilly; I become cold or chilly.
  2. I am neglected (left in the cold).

활용 정보



  • Miseri algebunt postea. (T. Maccius Plautus, Stichus, act 2, scene 2 2:79)

    (티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 2:79)

  • cum in crypta, per quam transeundum erat, pueri nobiles ex Asia ad edendas in scaena operas euocati praepararentur, ut eos inspiceret hortareturque restitit, ac nisi princeps gregis algere se diceret, redire ac repraesentare spectaculum uoluit. (C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Vita Caesarum, C. Caligula, chapter 58 1:5)

    (가이우스 수에토니우스 트란퀼루스, 황제전, , 58장 1:5)

  • probitas laudatur et alget. (Juvenal, Satires, book 1, Satura I 1:23)

    (유베날리스, 풍자, 1권, 1:23)

  • calidius vigilabo vel dormiam, certe, quod sciam, vilius non algebo. (Jerome, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., Ad Marcellam 3:8)

    (히에로니무스, 편지들, 3:8)

  • Qui nec leno potes nec comissator haberi, Nec pavidos tristi voce citare reos, Nec potes uxorem cari corrumpere amici, Nec potes algentes arrigere ad vetulas, Vendere nec vanos circa Palatia fumos, Plaudere nec Cano, plaudere nec Glaphyro: (Martial, Epigrammata, book 4, V 5:2)

    (마르티알리스, 에피그램집, 4권, 5:2)

유의어 사전

Frigere (φρίξαι) means to be cold, in opp. to calere, Cic. Fam. viii. 8. Auct. Her. iv. 15. Sen. Ir. ii. 18; whereas algere (ἀλγεῖν) means to feel cold, in opp. to æstuare. Cic. Tusc. ii. 14, 34. Sen. Ir. iii. 12. Plin. H. N. xvii. 26. 2. Algidus denotes cold, as an unpleasant chill; alsus, as a refreshing coolness. 3. Frigidus denotes a moderate degree of coldness, in opp. to calidus; whereas gelidus means on the point of freezing, in opp. to fervidus. 4. Frigus denotes, objectively, cold in itself, which attacks a man, and leaves him; whereas frigedo denotes cold, subjectively, as the state of a man attacked by cold, which begins and ends; it is an antiquated word which has become obsolete by the general use of frigus. 5. Gelu, gelus, gelum, (γλοία) denote, like κρύος, cold that produces ice; gelicidium, like κρυμός, a single attack of frost, a frosty night; and glacies, like κρύσταλλος, its effect, ice. (iii. 89.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 춥다

    • frīgeō (얼어붙다, 얼다, 얼리다)
  2. 무시받다





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