라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []


  • (doctrīna의 단수 속격형) 지도의

    형태분석: doctrīn(어간) + ae(어미)

  • (doctrīna의 단수 여격형) 지도에게

    형태분석: doctrīn(어간) + ae(어미)

  • (doctrīna의 복수 주격형) 지도들이

    형태분석: doctrīn(어간) + ae(어미)

  • (doctrīna의 복수 호격형) 지도들아

    형태분석: doctrīn(어간) + ae(어미)


1변화 명사; 여성 상위2000위 고전 발음: [] 교회 발음: []

기본형: doctrīna, doctrīnae

어원: DIC-

  1. 지도, 지시, 가르침
  2. 박식, 학습
  1. instruction, teaching
  2. erudition, learning

격변화 정보

단수 복수
주격 doctrīna




속격 doctrīnae




여격 doctrīnae




대격 doctrīnam




탈격 doctrīnā




호격 doctrīna





  • ad suscipiendam eruditionem doctrinae, iustitiam et iudicium et aequitatem, (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Proverbiorum, 1 1:3)

    현철한 교훈과 정의와 공정과 정직을 얻게 하려는 것이다. (불가타 성경, 잠언, 1장 1:3)

  • timorem et tremorem inducet super illum et probabit illum in tentatione doctrinae suae, donec ipse teneat eam in cogitationibus suis et credat animae illius. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 4 4:19)

    그가 탈선하면 지혜는 그를 버리고 그를 파멸의 손아귀에 넘기리라. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 4장 4:19)

  • Ipse palam faciet disciplinam doctrinae suae et in lege testamenti Domini gloriabitur. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Ecclesiasticus, 39 39:11)

    그가 장수하면 천 명의 이름보다 큰 이름을 남길 것이요 죽더라도 여한이 없으리라. (불가타 성경, 집회서, 39장 39:11)

  • In quibus tamen cum apparuissent quaedam sanae doctrinae adversantia, quae salvatoris evangelio continetur et apostolicis sermonibus declaratur, id est cum invenientur contra dei gratiam disputari, propter quam Christiani sumus et in qua spiritu ex fide spem iustitiae expectamus, et admonitionibus nostris inciperent emendari, dederunt mihi librum, quem eiusdem Pelagii esse dixerunt, rogantes ut ei potius responderent. (Augustine, Saint, Epistulae. Selections., 41. (A. D. 416 Epist. CLXXIX) Domino Beatissimo et Merito Venera-bili Fratri et Coepiscopo Iohanni Augustinus In Domino salutem 2:2)

    (아우구스티누스, 편지들, 2:2)

  • Iulianus vero absque instrumento, quotiens voluit evigilavit, et nocte dimidiata semper exsurgens, non e plumis vel stragulis sericis ambiguo fulgore nitentibus, sed ex tapete et sisyra , quam vulgaris simplicitas susurnam appellat, occulte Mercurio supplicabat, quem mundi velociorem sensum esse motum mentium suscitantem, theologicae prodidere doctrinae; (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XVI, chapter 5 5:1)

    (암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 5장 5:1)

유의어 사전

Doctrina denotes learning as a particular species of intellectual cultivation, whereas eruditio the learned result, as the crown of intellectual cultivation. Doctrina evinces a superiority in particular branches of knowledge, and stands as a co-ordinate notion with exercitatio, which is distinguished from it by involving a superiority in the ready use of learning, and can therefore, even as a mere theory, be of more evident service in practice than that which is indirectly important; eruditio stands in still closer relation to practice, and involves the co-operation of the different branches of knowledge and different studies to the ennobling of the human race; it denotes genuine zeal for the welfare of mankind in an intellectual, as humanitas does in a moral, point of view. (v. 268.)

Literæ and artes denote the sciences as the general objects of scientific education; literæ, in a narrower sense, only as literature, or the sciences so far as they are laid down in books, and, together with other branches of knowledge, enrich the mind, and are the means of sharpening the understanding and forming the taste, artes (ἀρεταί?) in the widest sense, so far as the knowledge of them immediately attests intellectual cultivation, and readiness in the practical application of the sciences; whereas doctrinæ and disciplinæ denote particular parts of the general objects of knowledge formed into systems; doctrinæ, more the speculative and abstract parts of philosophical and learned education; disciplinæ, more the practical parts, that are conducive to the purposes of life. (v. 269.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 지도

  2. 박식


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