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기본형: fūnis, fūnis
deinde, ut in praerupta perventum est, alii manibus eminentia saxa conplexi levavere semet, alii adiectis funium laqueis evasere, quidam, cum cuneos inter saxa defigerent, gradus subdidere, quis insisterent. (Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Historiae Alexandri Magni, book 7, chapter 11 15:2)
(쿠르티우스 루푸스, 퀸투스, 알렉산드로스 대왕 전기, 7권, 11장 15:2)
nam proprie spira est volubilitas funium. (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM SECVNDVM COMMENTARIVS., commline 217 195:3)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 195:3)
coronas multi funium coronas accipi volunt, qui solent, quotiens navigatur, in modum coronarum conponi: (Maurus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil, SERVII GRAMMATICI IN VERGILII AENEIDOS LIBRVM QUARTVM COMMENTARIVS, commline 418 364:6)
(마우루스 세르비우스 호노라투스, , , 364:6)
Sarraceni tandem intelligentes quia viri imperterriti in machina starent, qui mangenarum arte non possent laedi, turrim quamdam, quae in vicino erat machinae, saccis stipula et feno vel palea impletis, item vimineis cratibus et densitate navalium funium adversus Christianorum mangenas undique tectam, munierunt, viros pugnatores in ea constituentes, qui assidue moles lapidum fundibulis aut parvis mangenellis in machinam jacerent, et ejus habitatores diversis armorum terroribus [0546C] arctarent. (ALBERT OF AIX, HISTORIA HIEROSOLYMITANAE EXPEDITIONIS, LIBER VI 34:8)
(, , 34:8)
Ex his ambobus pontibus cum plurima damna et incursiones exercitui Christianorum ingruerent, sed nunc porta et ponte Warfaru robore lignorum et saxis immanissimis occupato et obstructo, frequentius ex eo ponte, quem in altera parte civitatis trans fluvium Farfar locatum diximus, de quo Turcorum egressus erat, et qui prae urbis amplitudine inobsessus remanserat, insidiae fierent ad perdendos fideles, pontem ex navibus componi constituerunt in funium retinaculis, per quem ad portum Simeonis [0462D] eremitae liberum iter haberent: (ALBERT OF AIX, HISTORIA HIEROSOLYMITANAE EXPEDITIONIS, LIBER III 84:1)
(, , 84:1)
1. Laqueus (from ἑλίξαι) is the noose at the end of a rope; whereas funis and restis mean the rope itself; funis, a thicker rope, which is meant more for drawing and pulling, and on that account must have a proper length, like σχοῖνος; restis, a thinner rope, which serves more for fastening and hanging up, and therefore may be short, like σπάρτη. The trace by which the equus funalis is attached; the rope on which the funambulus balances himself; the tow which draws the boat to the ship, are never rendered in prose by restis: whereas the rope with which the self-murderer hangs himself, or the slave is whipped, or the garment girded, is seldom rendered by funis, unless the poet gives the preference to the last word as a more elevated term. (v. 36.) 2. Rudentes are the sail ropes; retinacula, and oræ, the cables or anchor-ropes; retinacula, as a more general and popular term; oræ, oras, solvere, as more technical expressions in nautical language.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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