- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


2변화 동사; 상위3000위 고전 발음: [오:] 교회 발음: [오:]

기본형: niteō, nitēre, nituī

  1. 눈부시다, 빛나다, 밝게 보이다, 반짝이다
  2. 윤기나다, 영양상태가 좋다 (동물 등이)
  3. 무성하다, 우거지다 (밭, 식물 등이)
  4. 찬란하다, 뛰어나다, 훌륭하다 (사람이)
  5. 풍부하다 (재산 등이)
  1. I am radiant, shine, look bright, glitter, sparkle, glisten.
  2. (figuratively, of animals) I am sleek or in good condition.
  3. (figuratively, of fields, plants) I look flourishing or thriving; thrive.
  4. (figuratively, of persons) I am brilliant, look bright or beautiful, shine.
  5. (figuratively, of wealth) I flourish, abound.

활용 정보



  • Qui ascenditis super nitentes asinas et sedetis super tapetia et ambulatis in via, loquimini. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iudicum, 5 5:10)

    흰 나귀를 타고 가는 이들아 융단 위에 앉은 이들아 길을 걸어가는 이들아, 노래하여라. (불가타 성경, 판관기, 5장 5:10)

  • Deterius Libycis olet aut nitet herba lapillis? (EPISTVLARVM LIBER PRIMVS, X 10:8)

    (호라티우스의 첫번째 편지, 10 10:8)

  • quanto aut ego parcius aut vos,o pueri, nituistis, ut huc novus incola venit? (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, SECVNDVS, 02 2:73)

    (호라티우스의 풍자, 2권, 02장 2:73)

  • turdus sive aliud privum dabitur tibi, devolet illuc,res ubi magna nitet domino sene; (SERMONVM Q. HORATI FLACCI, SECVNDVS, 05 5:7)

    (호라티우스의 풍자, 2권, 05장 5:7)

  • Ver vide, ut tota floret, ut olet, ut nitide nitet. (T. Maccius Plautus, Truculentus, act 2, scene 4 4:3)

    (티투스 마키우스 플라우투스, , , 4:3)

유의어 사전

1. Lucere, fulgere, splendere, nitere, denote a steady and continued brightness; fulgere (φλογεῖν) through a glaring light, or a dazzling fiery color, like φλέγω, lucere (from λευκός) through a beneficial light, and a soft fiery color, like φαίνω, φέγγω; splendere (from φάλανθος) as the consequence of a clear and pure light, in opp. to sordere; Cic. Sext. 28. Sen. Ep. 5. Martial, Ep. ii. 36. Tac. A. i. 84. Suet. Aug. 35; like λάμπω; nitere (from νίζω) as the consequence of humidity, oiling or washing, to glisten, in opp. to squalere. Cic. Fin. iv. 3. Orat. 32. Sen. Q. N. i. 17. Quintil. ii. 5, 23; like στίλβω. 2. Whereas coruscare, micare, radiare, mean an unsteady, tremulous light; coruscare (from κορύσσω) to shine like forked lightning; micare, to sparkle, like metal placed in the sun; radiare, to beam, like the shooting rays of the sun. Cic. Cat. ii. 3. qui nitent unguentis, qui fulgent purpura. Auct. ad Herenn. iv. 33. Tantus erat in armis splendor, ut solis fulgor obscurior videretur. Plin. H. N. xxxvii. 2. Splendor murrhinis sine viribus: nitorque verius quam splendor; for splendor denotes brightness, with regard to its intensity; nitor, with regard to its beauty. Auct. ad Herenn. iv. 50. Gemmæ nitore et auri splendore: hence, figuratively, splendor denotes pomp; nitor, only neatness. (ii. 76.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 눈부시다

    • splendeō (빛나다, 찬란하다, 밝다)
    • renīdeō (다시 빛나다, 찬란하다, 반짝이다)
  2. 무성하다

    • vigeō (활발하다, 격렬하다, 번창하다)
  3. 풍부하다






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