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기본형: specus, specūs
Alexandrea est fere tota suffossa specusque habet a Nilo pertinentis, quibus aqua in privatas domos inducitur, quae paulatim spatio temporis liquescit ac subsidit. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 5:1)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 5:1)
qui distributi munitionum tuendarum causa vicatim ex privatis aedificiis specubus ac puteis extracta aqua utebantur. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 5:7)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 5:7)
Intersaeptis enim specubus atque omnibus urbis partibus exclusis quae ab ipso tenebantur, aquae magnam vim ex mari rotis ac machinationibus exprimere contendit: (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO ALEXANDRINO 6:2)
(카이사르, 알렉산드리아 전기 6:2)
Est in Africa consuetudo incolarum, ut in agris et in omnibus fere villis sub terra specus frumenti condendi gratia clam habeant, atque id propter bella maxime hostiumque subitum adventum praeparant. (CAESAR, INCERTI AVCTORIS DE BELLO AFRICO 65:1)
(카이사르, 아프리카 전기 65:1)
"An ignoras hoc genus bestiae lucos consitos et specus roridos et fontes amoenos semper incubare?" (Apuleius, Metamorphoses, book 4 9:58)
(아풀레이우스, 변신, 4권 9:58)
1. Specus and caverna are cavities, whether under-ground, or on a level with the ground,—consequently, a species of antrum; spelunca and spelæum, cavities with a perpendicular opening, leading up into a mountain; scrobs, fovea, and favissa, pits with an horizontal opening, leading down into the earth. 2. Specus (σπέος) is a gap, with a longish opening; caverna (from κύαρ) a hole, with a round opening. 3. Spelunca (σπήλυγξ) is a cavity, in a merely physical relation, with reference to its darkness and dreadfulness; antrum (ἄντρον) a grotto, as a beautiful object, with reference to its romantic appearance and cooling temperature; lastly, spelæum (σπήλαιον) is used only by the poets, as the abode and lurking-hole of wild beasts. 4. Fovea (from φύειν) is a pit meant to remain open, or only covered in order to keep in or to catch a wild beast; scrobs, a pit meant to be filled up again, and only dug, in order to bury something, the root of a tree, for instance, or a corpse. (v. 140.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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