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형태분석: malevolenti(어간) + ae(어미)
형태분석: malevolenti(어간) + ae(어미)
형태분석: malevolenti(어간) + ae(어미)
형태분석: malevolenti(어간) + ae(어미)
기본형: malevolentia, malevolentiae
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | malevolentia 악의가 | malevolentiae 악의들이 |
속격 | malevolentiae 악의의 | malevolentiārum 악의들의 |
여격 | malevolentiae 악의에게 | malevolentiīs 악의들에게 |
대격 | malevolentiam 악의를 | malevolentiās 악의들을 |
탈격 | malevolentiā 악의로 | malevolentiīs 악의들로 |
호격 | malevolentia 악의야 | malevolentiae 악의들아 |
malevolentiae hominum in me, si poteris, occurres ; (M. Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares, LIBER VNDECIMVS: AD M. BRVTVM ET CETEROS, letter 11 2:2)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 친구들에게 보낸 편지들, , 2:2)
Quid aliud quam telis me opposui et malevolentiae quod morderet ostendi ? (Seneca, De Vita Beata, Liber VII: ad Gallionem, De Vita Beata 10:5)
(세네카, , 10:5)
Malevolentiae enim ex omnibus istae periculosissimae sunt, ubi plus timetur quam sentitur. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XV. DE SEDITIONIBUS ET TURBIS 12:9)
(, , 12:9)
Trita sane est sed praecellens periculorum, quae malevolentiae minantur, cautio, ut praevideatur ne sit caput aliquod ad quod populus infensus et exacerbatus confluere, et sub cuius praesidio in corpus aliquod coire, possit. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XV. DE SEDITIONIBUS ET TURBIS 21:2)
(, , 21:2)
Certe, politice et artificiose spem nutrire et iniicere, ac homines a spe alia in aliam circumducere, ex fortissimis est contra venenum malevolentiae antidotis. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XV. DE SEDITIONIBUS ET TURBIS 20:5)
(, , 20:5)
1. Malitia denotes the baseness which shows itself in the love of lying and deceiving, from want of conscience; malignitas, the ill-will which grudges good to another, and wishes it only to itself, from pure selfishness; malevolentia, the ill-will which wishes evil to another rather than good, from personal aversion. Malitia is a way of thinking and acting deserving of punishment as endangering the security of society; malignitas is a despicable disposition, which implies the want of philanthropy; lastly, malevolentia, a detestable quality, as connected with deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others. 2. Malus homo is a morally bad man, but nequam a good-for-nothing man, whose faultiness shows itself in aversion to useful labor, and a propensity to roguish tricks, in opp. to frugi. Plaut. Pseud, i. 5. 53. Cic. Font. 13. Or. ii. 61. Fin. ii. 8. Sen. Contr. iii. 21; pravus (πέραῖος) a man whose character has taken a vicious direction, in a physical, or intellectual, or moral point of view in opp. to rectus. Plaut. Bacch. iii. 3, 8. Cic. Fin. ii. 8. Acad. i. 10. Quintil. viii. 3, 48. Nec parricidam nequam dixeris hominem, nec meretrici forte deditum nefarium; quod alterum parum, alterum nimium est. Afric. ap. Gell. vii. 11. (i. 62.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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