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기본형: sānctus, sānctī
Pones et propitiatorium super arcam testimonii in sancto sanctorum (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 26 26:34)
지성소에 있는 증언 궤는 속죄판으로 덮어라. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 26장 26:34)
Arietem autem consecrationis tolles et coques carnes eius in loco sancto. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Exodus, 29 29:31)
너는 임직식의 숫양을 가져다 그 고기를 거룩한 곳에서 삶아라. (불가타 성경, 탈출기, 29장 29:31)
Reliquam autem partem similae comedet Aaron cum filiis suis, et panis absque fermento comedetur in loco sancto; in atrio tabernaculi conventus comedent illam. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 6 6:9)
나머지는 아론과 그의 아들들이 먹는데, 누룩을 넣지 않고 거룩한 곳에서 먹는다. 곧 만남의 천막 뜰에서 그것을 먹는다. (불가타 성경, 레위기, 6장 6:9)
Sacerdos, qui offert, comedet illud in loco sancto, in atrio tabernaculi conventus. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 6 6:19)
속죄 제물을 바치는 사제가 그것을 먹는데, 거룩한 곳, 곧 만남의 천막 뜰에서 먹는다. (불가타 성경, 레위기, 6장 6:19)
Quidquid tetigerit carnes eius, sanctificabitur: si de sanguine illius vestis fuerit aspersa, lavabitur in loco sancto; (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Leviticus, 6 6:20)
그 고기에 닿는 것은 다 거룩하게 된다. 그 피가 옷에 튀었을 때는, 피가 튄 데를 거룩한 곳에서 빨아야 한다. (불가타 성경, 레위기, 6장 6:20)
1. Bonus, bene moratus, probus, and frugi, denote a low degree of morality, in which a man keeps himself free from blame and punishment, hatred and contempt:—bonus (anciently duonus, δύναμαι), in the popular sense, in which benevolence and goodness of heart constitute the principal part of morality, in opp. to malus, like ἀγαθός; bene moratus, in a more philosophical sense, as an acquired character, in which, before all things, self-control, conscientiousness, and freedom from common selfishness are cultivated, like εὔτροπος, probus πραΰς), so far as a man injures no one, nor does what is unjust, as a worthy, upright, just man; frugi, so far as a man, by discretion, conscientiousness, and diligence, qualifies himself to be useful in practical life, in opp. to nequam, like χρηστός. Quintil. vi. 4, 11. Non est altercandi ars . . . res animi jacentis et mollis supra modum frontis, fallitque plerumque quod probitas vocatur, quæ est imbecillitas. Dic. Dejot. 10. Frugi hominem dici non multum laudis habet in rege. Quintil. i. 6, 29. 2. Whereas honestus and sanctus denote a higher degree of morality, which, from higher motives, rises above the standard of ordinary men, and what is called social morality; honestus, as an honorable and chivalrous spirit and demeanor, derived from a principle of honor and distinction, in opp. to turpis; sanctus, as a saintly and holy spirit, derived from a principle of piety. (v. 347.)
Sacer (ἄγος) denotes that which is sacred, inasmuch as it belongs to the gods, in opp. to profanus, like ἱερός; whereas sanctus (from ἁγνός) inasmuch as it is under the protection of the gods, and, being guarded from profanation, is, in consequence, pure and spotless, in opp. to pollutus, like ὅσιος. Hence sanctus homo is a pure, pious man; sacer, one accursed, devoted to the gods as an expiatory sacrifice. In the same manner sancire means to place under the immediate protection of the gods, as laws and compacts, for example; whereas sacrare means to dedicate to the gods, as temples and altars, for example. (iii. 198.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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