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기본형: sēditiō, sēditiōnis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | sēditiō 반란이 | sēditiōnēs 반란들이 |
속격 | sēditiōnis 반란의 | sēditiōnum 반란들의 |
여격 | sēditiōnī 반란에게 | sēditiōnibus 반란들에게 |
대격 | sēditiōnem 반란을 | sēditiōnēs 반란들을 |
탈격 | sēditiōne 반란으로 | sēditiōnibus 반란들로 |
호격 | sēditiō 반란아 | sēditiōnēs 반란들아 |
et versi in seditionem dixerunt: " Utinam perissemus inter fratres nostros coram Domino! (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Numeri, 20 20:3)
백성은 모세와 시비하면서 말하였다. “아, 우리 형제들이 주님 앞에서 죽을 때에 우리도 죽었더라면! (불가타 성경, 민수기, 20장 20:3)
qui erat propter seditionem quandam factam in civitate et homicidium missus in carcerem. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Evangelium secundum Lucam, 23 23:19)
바라빠는 예루살렘에서 일어난 반란과 살인으로 감옥에 갇혀 있던 자였다. (불가타 성경, 루카 복음서, 23장 23:19)
dimisit autem eum, qui propter seditionem et homicidium missus fuerat in carcerem, quem petebant; Iesum vero tradidit voluntati eorum. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Evangelium secundum Lucam, 23 23:25)
그리하여 그는 반란과 살인으로 감옥에 갇혀 있던 자를 그들이 요구하는 대로 풀어 주고, 예수님은 그들의 뜻대로 하라고 넘겨주었다. (불가타 성경, 루카 복음서, 23장 23:25)
Hic ipse praefectus egit admodum quiete, nullam seditionem super querella iusta perpessus, et instauravit vetera plurima. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXIX, chapter 6 19:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 6장 19:1)
Tum, qui penitus atque alte usum ac sententiam legis introspexerant, non ad augendam, sed ad desinendam seditionem legem esse dicebant. (Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, Liber Secundus, XII 4:1)
(아울루스 겔리우스, 아테네의 밤, , 4:1)
Turbæ and tumultus denote the civil broils of public life; turbæ (τύρβη) interruptions of public order; tumultus (from tumere) of the public peace; whereas seditio and secessio are political commotions, in consequence of decided, evident differences of opinion, and of conflicting principles; seditio (from se and ire) when concord is first disturbed, and the parties as yet contend with words only; secessio, when the prospect of reconciliation is already given up, and the parties either stand opposite each other, ready to come to blows, or, at least, have broken off all connection with each other. 2. The seditiosi and secedentes are citizens and members of a free community, and only suspend public concord; whereas the deficientes and desciscentes break a compact, because, either as subjected states they rebel, or as allies fall off; deficere, as the most general expression, represents the falling off, in a moral point of view, as a treacherous, fickle, cowardly desertion; desciscere (from scindere) in a political point of view, as an alteration in the constitution and political system. (v. 363.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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