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기본형: vellus, velleris
Nec modus est illis, felicia vellera ducunt et gaudent implere manus, sunt dulcia pensa. (Seneca, APOCOLOCYNTOSIS DIVI CLAUDII 3:22)
(세네카, 3:22)
Illum autem, quamvis aries sit candidus ipse,Nigra subest udo tantum cui lingua palato, Reice, ne maculis infuscet vellera pullis Nascentum. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 7, chapter 3 1:4)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 7권, 3장 1:4)
Nam prius quam feminas inire possint mares castrati, cum bimatum expleverunt,enecantur, et pelles eorum propter pulchritudinem lanae maiore pretio quam alia vellera mercantibus traduntur. (Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Res Rustica, book 7, chapter 4 4:2)
(콜루멜라, 루키우스 유니우스 모데라투스, 농업론, 7권, 4장 4:2)
ante pedes autem candentis mollia lanae vellera virgati custodibant calathisci. (C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina, Long Poems , Poem 64 12:4)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 노래, , 12:4)
tu, cui iam curaeque vigent animique viriles, i, decus, et pecoris Nephelaei vellera Graio (C. Valerius Catullus, Argonautica, C. Valeri Flacci Argonauticon Liber Primus. 58:1)
(가이우스 발레리우스 카툴루스, 아르고나우티카, 58:1)
Tergus and cutis denote the outermost covering of the flesh, as merely bare skin; tergus (from στορχάζειν, to enclose), the coarse skin of an animal, which covers the soft and eatable flesh, like δέρμα; cutis (κύτος), the finer skin of human beings, which protects the sensitive flesh like χρώς; whereas pellis and vellus denote the flesh together with a covering; pellis (from palla) more bristly, consisting of pili, like δορά; vellus (from εἶλαρ? or villus?), more woolly, consisting of villi, like μαλλός. Men have cutis; elephants, snakes, etc. tergora; lions, goats, dogs, etc., pelles; sheep, vellera. Juven. x. 192. Deformem pro cute pellem. (v. 17.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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