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기본형: admīror, admīrārī, admīrātus sum
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | admīror (나는) 존경한다 |
admīrāris, admīrāre (너는) 존경한다 |
admīrātur (그는) 존경한다 |
복수 | admīrāmur (우리는) 존경한다 |
admīrāminī (너희는) 존경한다 |
admīrantur (그들은) 존경한다 |
과거 | 단수 | admīrābar (나는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrābāris, admīrābāre (너는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrābātur (그는) 존경하고 있었다 |
복수 | admīrābāmur (우리는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrābāminī (너희는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrābantur (그들은) 존경하고 있었다 |
미래 | 단수 | admīrābor (나는) 존경하겠다 |
admīrāberis, admīrābere (너는) 존경하겠다 |
admīrābitur (그는) 존경하겠다 |
복수 | admīrābimur (우리는) 존경하겠다 |
admīrābiminī (너희는) 존경하겠다 |
admīrābuntur (그들은) 존경하겠다 |
완료 | 단수 | admīrātus sum (나는) 존경했다 |
admīrātus es (너는) 존경했다 |
admīrātus est (그는) 존경했다 |
복수 | admīrātī sumus (우리는) 존경했다 |
admīrātī estis (너희는) 존경했다 |
admīrātī sunt (그들은) 존경했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | admīrātus eram (나는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātus erās (너는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātus erat (그는) 존경했었다 |
복수 | admīrātī erāmus (우리는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātī erātis (너희는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātī erant (그들은) 존경했었다 |
미래완료 | 단수 | admīrātus erō (나는) 존경했겠다 |
admīrātus eris (너는) 존경했겠다 |
admīrātus erit (그는) 존경했겠다 |
복수 | admīrātī erimus (우리는) 존경했겠다 |
admīrātī eritis (너희는) 존경했겠다 |
admīrātī erunt (그들은) 존경했겠다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | admīrer (나는) 존경하자 |
admīrēris, admīrēre (너는) 존경하자 |
admīrētur (그는) 존경하자 |
복수 | admīrēmur (우리는) 존경하자 |
admīrēminī (너희는) 존경하자 |
admīrentur (그들은) 존경하자 |
과거 | 단수 | admīrārer (나는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrārēris, admīrārēre (너는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrārētur (그는) 존경하고 있었다 |
복수 | admīrārēmur (우리는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrārēminī (너희는) 존경하고 있었다 |
admīrārentur (그들은) 존경하고 있었다 |
완료 | 단수 | admīrātus sim (나는) 존경했다 |
admīrātus sīs (너는) 존경했다 |
admīrātus sit (그는) 존경했다 |
복수 | admīrātī sīmus (우리는) 존경했다 |
admīrātī sītis (너희는) 존경했다 |
admīrātī sint (그들은) 존경했다 |
과거완료 | 단수 | admīrātus essem (나는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātus essēs (너는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātus esset (그는) 존경했었다 |
복수 | admīrātī essēmus (우리는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātī essētis (너희는) 존경했었다 |
admīrātī essent (그들은) 존경했었다 |
1인칭 | 2인칭 | 3인칭 | ||
현재 | 단수 | admīrāre (너는) 존경해라 |
복수 | admīrāminī (너희는) 존경해라 |
미래 | 단수 | admīrātor (네가) 존경하게 해라 |
admīrātor (그가) 존경하게 해라 |
복수 | admīrantor (그들이) 존경하게 해라 |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | admīrārī 존경함 |
admīrātus esse 존경했음 |
admīrātūrus esse 존경하겠음 |
수동태 | admīrātum īrī 존경받겠음 |
현재 | 완료 | 미래 | |
능동태 | admīrāns 존경하는 |
admīrātus 존경한 |
admīrātūrus 존경할 |
수동태 | admīrandus 존경받을 |
in quibus hoc primum est in quo admirer, cur in gravissimis rebus non delectet eos sermo patrius, cum idem fabellas Latinas ad verbum e Graecis expressas non inviti legant. (M. Tullius Cicero, de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, LIBER PRIMUS 6:2)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 최선과 최악에 관하여, 6:2)
nam me ipsum huc modo venientem convertebat ad sese Coloneus ille locus, cuius incola Sophocles ob oculos versabatur, quem scis quam admirer quamque eo delecter. (M. Tullius Cicero, de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, LIBER QUINTUS 4:3)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 최선과 최악에 관하여, 4:3)
, satis commodas de Britannicis rebus, quibus, ne admirer quod a te nullas acceperim, scribit se sine' te fuisse cum ad mare accesserit ad eas ego ei litteras nihil rescripsi ne gratulandi quidem causa propter eius luctum. (M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to and from Quintus, LIBER TERTIVS, chapter 7 4:3)
(마르쿠스 툴리우스 키케로, 퀸투스와 주고 받은 편지들, , 7장 4:3)
Quidni admirer? (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 6, letter 62 3:2)
(세네카, , , 3:2)
Quidni ego admirer hanc magnitudinem animi, qua in exilium voluntarium secessit et civitatem exoneravit ? (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 11, letter 86 3:1)
(세네카, , , 3:1)
1. Vereri and revereri mean, to feel reverence; whereas venerari, to show reverence. Tac. Ann. xiv. 13; comp. venerationem sui with matris reverentia. 2. Vereri (ὁρᾶν?) denotes respect bordering on fear and bashfulness; whereas revereri, fear and bashfulness arising from respect. In vereri, fear, in revereri, respect is the principal notion: hence verecundia is the dread of exposing one’s self before the person respected; whereas reverentia, the calm consciousness that some one is worthy of this reverential feeling. 3. Venerari (ἄντεσθαι?) is used (at least in Cicero) only for demonstrations of reverence towards the gods and sacred things; observare, only for such demonstrations towards men; colere, towards either. Cic. Rep. i. 12. Ut . . . Africanum ut deum coleret Lælius, domi vicissim Lælium observaret in parentis loco Scipio. And, N. D. i. 42. ii. 28. The venerans seeks only to express due reverence, and by self-humiliation to avert the anger of the gods; the colens (from κόλαξ) seeks by acts of courtesy, of service, and of respect, to win the affection of some one, and the fruits of it, as from a cultivated field. Veneratio shows itself more in prayer; cultus, more in sacrifice: veneratio is more a single, transient act; cultus more a permanent expression of respect. Tac. H. i. 10. Vespasianus . . . Titum filium ad venerationem cultumque (ejus) miserat; that is, that he might do homage to the new emperor, and then also remain in his circle of courtiers. 4. Observare (from ἐρύεσθαι) involves a mere negative notion, and denotes having regard for, in opp. to slighting; yet is not, on this account, colere a stronger, observare a weaker term. Colere, indeed, involves more palpable activity, operam; whereas observare, more tender regard, pietatem; hence sometimes the one, sometimes the other, is the stronger expression. 5. Adorare is the most general expression for any sort of worship; whereas veneratio consists more in gestures, precatio in words. 6. Reveremur validas auctoritates; admiramur raras virtutes; suspicimus excellentia dignitate. At the same time it appears to me, that the reverens is in a state of silent awe; the admirans with the expression of loud, or at least visible enthusiasm; the suspiciens, under the image of one looking up to another with an humble feeling of his own inferiority. Revereri refers especially to moral; admirari, to intellectual and moral; suspicere, to any, even adventitious, pre-eminences. (ii. 185.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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