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기본형: grātia, grātiae
ille tabulam summā reverentiā acceptam perlēgit deōque grātiās ēgit. (Oxford Latin Course III, Quīntus Delphōs vīsit 34:31)
그는 최고의 존경으로 받은 서판을 낭독하고 신에게 감사를 드렸다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 34:31)
omnēs grātiās deīs reddidērunt quod ē tempestāte incolumēs ēvāserant. (Oxford Latin Course II, Quīntus ad Graeciam nāvigat 28:36)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 28:36)
Quīntus eī grātiās reddidit iānuamque pulsāvit. (Oxford Latin Course II, Acadēmīa 29:10)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 29:10)
Quīntus Marcī fidūciā gāvīsus eī grātiās ēgit. (Oxford Latin Course III, Quīntus amīcō veterī occurrit 40:39)
(옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 40:39)
Quīntus, quī vestīmenta tam splendida numquam habuerat, patrī grātiās ēgit. (Oxford Latin Course II, Rōma 19:41)
이렇게 대단히 화려한 옷을 가져보지 못했던 퀸투스는 아버지께 감사드렸다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 19:41)
1. Studium is usually the attachment and dependent feeling of the lower towards the higher, of the soldier towards the general, of the subject towards the ruler, of the scholar towards the teacher, of the individual towards his party; whereas favor is the love and favor of the higher towards the lower, of the public towards the player, of the people towards the candidate, of the judge towards one of the parties, etc.; lastly, benevolentia is love and good-will towards one of equal rank. In Cic. Rosc. Com. 10. Quod studium et quem favorem secum in scenam attulit Panurgus? the public is first considered as an auditor, then as a judge of the player. Orat. i. 21. Ego qui incensus essem studio utriusque vestrûm, Crassi vero etiam amore. 2. Studium, favor, and benevolentia, denote a temporary affection, occasioned by and contracted from external circumstances,—consequently, of a quieter, or entirely latent sort; whereas amor is love deeply rooted in the soul, bordering on passion. Cic. Fam. i. 9. Nihil est quod studio et benevolentia vel potius amore effici non possit. Att. v. 10. Amores hominum in te, et in nos quædam benevolentia. 3. Favor is, subjectively, the favor which a person entertains towards another, in opp. almost to invidentia; whereas gratia is, objectively, the favor in which a person stands with another, in opp. to invidia. (iv. 106.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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