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기본형: lacus, lacūs
Burgoyne, dux Britannus, qui bellum lacubus et provinciis proximis gereret, cum veteranis quibusdam copiis, missus est. (Francis Glass, Washingtonii Vita, CAPUT UNDECIMUM. 13:13)
(프란키스 글라스, , 13:13)
"qui petis auxilium, non grandia divide mecum praemia, de lacubus proxima musta tuis." (P. Ovidius Naso, Fasti, book 4 4:604)
(푸블리우스 오비디우스 나소, 행사력, 4권 4:604)
Correpti rapida, veluti seges arida, flamma arserunt crines, et vulnere sanguis inustus terribilem stridore sonum dedit, ut dare ferrum igne rubens plerumque solet, quod forcipe curva cum faber eduxit, lacubus demittit: (P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses, Book 12 31:2)
(푸블리우스 오비디우스 나소, 변신 이야기, Book 12권 31:2)
varii urbium situs et seclusae nationes locorum difficultate, quarum aliae se in erectos sub- trahunt montes, aliae ripis lacubus vallibus pavidae circumfunduntur ; (Seneca, De Consolatione ad Marciam, L. Annaei Senecae dialogorum Liber VI: ad Marciam, De Consolatione 104:1)
(세네카, , 104:1)
Ceterum in fluminibus, lacubus oceanisque vita, quae plerosque mundi populos alit, piscatus sine legibus captis copiis afficitur, qua de re aliquot species prorsus imminuentur. (Papa, Franciscus, Litterae Encyclicae, Laudato si'. De communi domo colenda 53:2)
(교황, 프란치스코, 회칙, 찬미받으소서 53:2)
Lacuna denotes, in poetical language, any standing water, from a sea to a pool; lacus and stagnum are collections of standing water kept sound and fresh by their own springs, or by ebbing and flowing; lacus (liquere) is large enough to bring to mind the image of the open sea, in opp. to the main sea, like λίμνη; stagnum, like a pond, not so large as to resemble a lake, in opp. to a stream, like τέναγος; whereas palus and uligo are collections of standing water corrupted and grown foul; palus (πλυδᾶν) is, like a marsh, a district covered with a surface of foul water, like ἕλος; uligo (from ὀλός) like a moor, a district soaked through with foul water. The palus appears as a mass of water made thick by mud and bog-earth, in which a person may be drowned; uligo only as ground thoroughly soaked with water, in which a man may sink down. Lastly, lamæ and lustra denote standing waters of small extent; lama, a mere dirty and filthy puddle on a high road; lustra, an ill-smelling and noisome quagmire in woods, etc. (v. 30.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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