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기본형: glaciēs, glaciēī
Flammae e contrario corruptibilium animalium non vexaverunt carnes inambulantium, nec dissolvebant illud, quod facile dissolvebatur, glaciei simile genus immortalis escae. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Sapientiae, 19 19:21)
불꽃은 또 반대로 그 속에서 걸어 다니는 약한 동물들의 몸을 태우지도 않고 얼음처럼 쉬 녹는 성질의 천상 음식을 녹이지도 않았습니다. (불가타 성경, 지혜서, 19장 19:21)
At deest frigus, nisi quale per tempestates hyemales, aut per cavernas, aut per circundationes nivis et glaciei, haberi potest: (FRANCIS BACON, NOVUM ORGANUM, Liber Secundus 482:5)
(, , 482:5)
circundationibus nivis et glaciei in locis profundioribus, et ad hoc excavatis; (FRANCIS BACON, NOVUM ORGANUM, Liber Secundus 482:14)
(, , 482:14)
At si interveniat frigus intensum et continuatum, mutat se sponte sua et libenter in condensationem glaciei; (FRANCIS BACON, NOVUM ORGANUM, Liber Secundus 445:14)
(, , 445:14)
nigrescentes glacie, cum ingruit super eos nix. (Biblia Sacra Vulgata, Liber Iob, 6 6:16)
그 물은 얼음 조각으로 더럽혀져 있고 그 위로 눈이 내리며 자취를 감춘다네. (불가타 성경, 욥기, 6장 6:16)
Frigere (φρίξαι) means to be cold, in opp. to calere, Cic. Fam. viii. 8. Auct. Her. iv. 15. Sen. Ir. ii. 18; whereas algere (ἀλγεῖν) means to feel cold, in opp. to æstuare. Cic. Tusc. ii. 14, 34. Sen. Ir. iii. 12. Plin. H. N. xvii. 26. 2. Algidus denotes cold, as an unpleasant chill; alsus, as a refreshing coolness. 3. Frigidus denotes a moderate degree of coldness, in opp. to calidus; whereas gelidus means on the point of freezing, in opp. to fervidus. 4. Frigus denotes, objectively, cold in itself, which attacks a man, and leaves him; whereas frigedo denotes cold, subjectively, as the state of a man attacked by cold, which begins and ends; it is an antiquated word which has become obsolete by the general use of frigus. 5. Gelu, gelus, gelum, (γλοία) denote, like κρύος, cold that produces ice; gelicidium, like κρυμός, a single attack of frost, a frosty night; and glacies, like κρύσταλλος, its effect, ice. (iii. 89.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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