- 라틴어-한국어 사전

라틴어-한국어 사전 검색


1변화 동사; 자동번역 상위3000위 고전 발음: [토:] 교회 발음: [토:]

기본형: recitō, recitāre, recitāvī, recitātum

  1. 외우다, 읊조리다, 읊다
  2. 지정하다, 표시하다, 정하다
  1. I read aloud, recite
  2. I appoint, name in writing

활용 정보



  • ille eum rogāvit ut carmina sibi recitāret. (Oxford Latin Course III, Quīntus carmina facit 41:5)

    (옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 41:5)

  • carminum tuōrum plēraque eī recitāvī, quae adeō dēlectant ut iam tē cognōscere velit.’ (Oxford Latin Course III, Quīntus Maecēnātī commendātur 43:6)

    (옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 43:6)

  • tandem Quīntus, silentiō factō, carmen recitāvit quod composuerat ut reditum amīcī celebrāret. (Oxford Latin Course III, Pompēius ad patriam revenit 42:28)

    (옥스포드 라틴 코스 3권, 42:28)

  • puerōs audīre poterant recitantēs et Orbilium eōs corrigentem; (Oxford Latin Course II, Rōma 19:30)

    그들은 낭송하고 있는 학생들과 그들을 고쳐주고 있는 오르빌리우스를 들을 수 있었다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 19:30)

  • omnēs versūs Graecōs rēctē recitābant. (Oxford Latin Course II, Lūdus Oribiliī 20:44)

    그들은 그리스어로 된 모든 구절 바르게 읊고 있었다. (옥스포드 라틴 코스 2권, 20:44)

유의어 사전

1. Eloqui and enunciare denote an act of the intellect, in conformity to which one utters a thought that was resting in the mind; but the eloquens regards therein both substance and form, and would express his thought in the most perfect language; whereas the enuncians regards merely the substance, and would only make his thought publici juris, or communicate it; hence elocutio belongs to rhetoric, enuntiatio to logic. 2. On the other hand, proloqui denotes a moral act, in conformity to which one resolves to give utterance to a secret thought, in opp. to reticere, like profiteri; lastly, pronuntiare, a physical act, by which one utters any thing, whether thought of, or written mechanically by the organs of speech, and makes it heard, like recitare. Pronuntiare, however, is a simple act of the organs of speech, and aims merely at being fully heard; recitare is an act of refined art, and aims by just modulation, according to the laws of declamation, to make a pleasing impression. Pronuntiatio relates only to single letters, syllables, and words, as the elements and body of speech, whereas recitatio relates both to the words and to their import, as the spirit of speech. (iv. 4.)

출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein


  1. 외우다

    • legō (낭송하다, 소리내어 읽다)
    • perlegō (I read through or over, read to the end, read aloud)
  2. 지정하다

    • nuncupō (I publically name or appoint as heir)






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