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형태분석: ostentātiōn(어간) + ī(어미)
기본형: ostentātiō, ostentātiōnis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | ostentātiō 전시가 | ostentātiōnēs 전시들이 |
속격 | ostentātiōnis 전시의 | ostentātiōnum 전시들의 |
여격 | ostentātiōnī 전시에게 | ostentātiōnibus 전시들에게 |
대격 | ostentātiōnem 전시를 | ostentātiōnēs 전시들을 |
탈격 | ostentātiōne 전시로 | ostentātiōnibus 전시들로 |
호격 | ostentātiō 전시야 | ostentātiōnēs 전시들아 |
A quibus libenter requisierim, cur concedant - si concedunt tamen - historiam debere recitari, quae non ostentationi sed fidei veritatique componitur; (Pliny the Younger, Letters, book 7, letter 17 3:1)
(소 플리니우스, 편지들, 7권, 3:1)
genus ostentationi comparatum et praeter id, quod solam petit voluptatem eamque etiam fingendo non falsa modo sed etiam quaedam incredibilia sectatur, patrocinio quoque aliquo iuvari, quod alligata ad certam pedum necessitatem non semper uti propriis possit, sed depulsa recta via necessario ad eloquendi quaedam deverticula confugiat, nec mutare quaedam modo verba, sed extendere, corripere, convertere, dividere cogatur; (Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Liber X 29:2)
(퀸틸리아누스, 변론 가정 교육, 29:2)
Non est philosophia populare artificium nec ostentationi paratum. (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 2, letter 16 3:1)
(세네카, , , 3:1)
namque illud genus ostentationi compositum solam petit audientium voluptatem, ideoque omnes dicendi artes aperit ornatumque orationis exponit, ut quod non insidietur nec ad victoriam sed ad solum finem laudis et gloriae tendat. (Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Liber VIII 75:5)
(퀸틸리아누스, 변론 가정 교육, 75:5)
nam si foro non praeparat, aut scenicae ostentationi aut furiosae vociferationi simillimum est. (Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria, Liber II 156:1)
(퀸틸리아누스, 변론 가정 교육, 156:1)
Jactatio and gloriatio have their foundation in vanity and self-complacency; jactatio is making much ado of one’s excellencies and merits, and shows itself in words and actions, with the accessory notion of folly; gloriatio is talking big, proclaiming one’s excellencies and merits, with the accessory notion of insolence; whereas ostentatio and venditatio have their foundation in a crafty calculation of the effect to be produced, and a disregard to truth; ostentatio would conceal real emptiness under a false show; venditatio would, by exaggerating one’s excellencies, pass them off for greater than they are.
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
전체 데이터 내 출현빈도: 약 0.0013%
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