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기본형: paupertās, paupertātis
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | paupertās 가난이 | paupertātēs 가난들이 |
속격 | paupertātis 가난의 | paupertātum 가난들의 |
여격 | paupertātī 가난에게 | paupertātibus 가난들에게 |
대격 | paupertātem 가난을 | paupertātēs 가난들을 |
탈격 | paupertāte 가난으로 | paupertātibus 가난들로 |
호격 | paupertās 가난아 | paupertātēs 가난들아 |
Succurre paupertati amicorum, immo potius occurre. (Publilius Syrus, Sententiae, 6 6:84)
(푸블릴리우스 시루스, 격언집, 6:84)
laudati dehinc oratione principis qui ob angustias familiaris ordine senatorio sponte cederent, motique qui remanendo impudentiam paupertati adicerent. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER XII, chapter 52 52:8)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 52장 52:8)
Si paupertati assensum prebere studebis, Si pro natura vivere, dives eris. (ALBERTANO OF BRESCIA, DE AMORE ET DILECTIONE DEI ET PROXIMI ET ALIARUM RERUM ET DE FORMA VITAE, LIBER III 47:3)
(, , 47:3)
Et alibi,"Eum esse locupletem, qui paupertati sue aptus est et parvo se divitemfacit." (ALBERTANO OF BRESCIA, DE AMORE ET DILECTIONE DEI ET PROXIMI ET ALIARUM RERUM ET DE FORMA VITAE, LIBER III 47:17)
(, , 47:17)
itaque in utroque mens aestimanda est inspiciendumque, an ille paupertati indulgeat, an hic divitiis non indulgeat. (Seneca, Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, book 2, letter 20 11:3)
(세네카, , , 11:3)
Paupertas (redupl. of parum) denotes poverty only as narrowness of means, in consequence of which one must economize, in opp. to dives, Cic. Parad. 6. Quintil. v. 10, 26, like πενία; whereas inopia and egestas denote galling poverty, in consequence of which one suffers want, and has recourse to shifts; inopia, like ἀπορία, objectively, as utterly without means, so that one cannot help one’s self, in opp. to copia or opulentia; Cic. Parad. 6. Sen. Vit. B. 15. Tac. Hist. iii. 6; egestas, like ἔνδεια, subjectively, as penury, when a man feels want, in opp. to abundantia; lastly, mendicitas (from μαδίζειν,) as absolute poverty, in consequence of which one must beg, like πτωχεία. The pauper possesses little enough; the inops and egenus, too little; the mendicus, nothing at all. In the kingdom of Plutus, according to the order of rank, the pauperes would occupy the middle station, who must live the life of citizens, and economize; the inopes and egeni, if not in a state of overwhelming necessity, would occupy the station of the poor, who live from hand to mouth, and must occasionally starve; the mendici, the station of the beggars, who, without property of any sort, or the means of earning it, live on alms. Cic. Parad. 6. Istam paupertatem vel potius egestatem et mendicitatem tuam nunquam obscure tulisti. Sen. Ep. 17. 50. Ovid, Rem. 748. Suet. Gr. 11. Vixit in summa pauperie, et pæne inopia. Plin. Ep. iv. 18. Inopia vel potius, ut Lucretius ait, egestas patrii sermonis. Cic. Inv. i. 47. Propter inopiam in egestate esse. (iii. 111.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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